Our first breakup and what happened

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It's January 14 and my mom is making the biggest mistake of her life. Now Fred knows what my mom said and he said that I should listen to my mom and find someone else. I told him I don't care what she thinks he is the best thing that has ever happened to me. He said we can still be friends. I cried and cried and then I started cutting my self and I thought of suicide but at about 3 a.m. I got a text from him (well it was a song link) the song is called I'm Sorry by Tommy Reeve. I listened to it, it made me cry and then he texted me and said can u one day forgive me and let me back into your heart and I replied with this Yes but this is your last chance I can keep this from my mom. It was our one month anniversary and we decided to pick up where we left off . It is now January 16 and I am going away for the weekend with my friends and I'm not allowed on my phone at all. I snuck on it anyways. I couldn't stand not to text him. Now it's February 14 and he is at home and so am I with our Valentine's day gifts for each other but we couldn't get them to each other. My sister Sally got me flowers but there was a note attached it said "you need to knock it off with Fred he is taking up to much of your time. Love, Sally" now we are in March and me and Fred can't stop fighting we get to March 12, and he said.....

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