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"It was 1939, not 2009, you idiot" I huffed leaning over Noel's shoulder.

"1939. 2009. They're pretty much the same thing"

"Yeah they are. Apart from the fact they are 70 years apart" I rolled my eyes.

"Sarcasm is not a good trait, you know." He raised an eyebrow at me spinning his chair around.

"Stupidity is not a good trait, you know" I mimicked his voice.

"Very funny" his face turning into a frown

"I'm a funny person"

"You are not a funny person. In fact you are one of the least funny people that I know" he snorted

"I am a funny person!"

"Yeah right. I never ever see you show a genuine smile" his eyes staring right through me

"Dick" I groaned as I got up from my seat.

"Where are you going?" Noel asked as I made my way towards the door.

"Calm down, im just going to the toilet"

"I was calm!" He protested

"Sure, Kahn. Sure"

The bathroom was still the same. The same old bathroom when we were ten. Flashbacks swarm my mind. I wonder if he remembers us when we were kids, I'm guessing not as he's so caught up being a dick.

I stare at my reflection in the mirror.
Disapprovingly I pushed my hair out of my face, getting a proper look.

My face was red and puffy, spots surrounded every inch of it. I looked towards my feet to my find my stomach fatter than usual. A huge lump formed in my throat. I cannot be going back to this. I changed myself for a reason.

In fact none of this is true. Eden looked flawless, not a spot to be find. Glowing skin. The body of a model. Eden on the other hand saw something completely different. Her old self.

"Hey are you okay? You were in there for quite a long time" a concerned Noel spoke

"Me, yeah, I'm totally fine" I suppressed a weak smile.

"Are you sure, you-"

"I said I'm fine okay!" I blurted, a little too forcefully

I pulled out my phone,
New message from: unknown

"Are you going to tell him the real reason why you were in there for so long. Or shall I?
A shiver sprung down my spine. Immediately I shoved my phone into my bag and headed for the door.

"Where are you going" Noel stood up

I blanked him, walking out of the door


"Eden!" Noel called out

"Home. I'm going home"

"Hi sweetie" my mum called out

"Hi" I said, showing little emotion.

"Everything okay" her sweet voice squeaked

"Yeah" I murmured

"Okay, dinner is-" but before she could possibly finished I was already upstairs locked In my room. 

Sighing I collapsed onto my bed. This can't be happening. Not this again. Burying my head in my pillow.

Just under two years ago, I overcame anorexia. This is not some sad sob story I made up for attention, it was all real, every dreaded second of it. No one, apart from my family, knew about, and honestly I want it to stay that way. I do not want people to think of some weak little girl, a damsel in distress. I want to be strong, independent, that is how it's always been. To help me get over this "disorder" as my therapist told me, was a particular hobby that I used to not only comfort me, but to let all of the anger and stress that had been bottling up inside of me for years on end. That hobby, as weird as it may seem, was archery. For hours and hours, I would go to the woods, take my bow, to just be free. Cheesy, I know, but it helped. Sometimes I even take it around for protection, because you never know what may appear in the small, mysterious town of Rosewood.

I stare at my bow, at the opposite side of the room. It made me feel... safe, protected, especially now.

Whoever "A" is, let's just say they have so much dirt on me, they could bury me alive.

Guys I am so sorry, for not updating so frequently! I've had massive writers block, and honestly this chapter has been in my drafts for weeks, and I could not finish it off! I hope you enjoy this chapter, despite how bad it may be :)

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