The Doctor's Present

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It's early Christmas morning, and you've just woken up. You look at the clock; it says 5:30. You're surprised you're up that early, and if it was any other day, you'd go back to bed, but you know you won't be able to sleep again, even though the rest of your family won't be up for hours. You go downstairs, and walk into the living room, where the tree is colorfully decorated and lit, with many presents underneath. One particularly large one stands out to you. You go over to it and examine it closer, seeing it's for you. There's also a note on it. You read it out loud to yourself, musingly: "Please open as soon as possible, I'd really appreciate it." A small chuckle emanates from the box, and you jump back in surprise. 

"Sorry to scare you," the box says softly. You're sure you've heard that voice before, somewhere. "Please, actually, do open this box, though, it's getting uncomfortable."

You open the box, carefully trying not to injure whoever is in it, and out jumps... the Doctor. The tenth Doctor, to be exact. His hair is exactly how you remember it, and he has his customary huge grin. You gasp, and begin to stumble backward. He catches you easily, and you blush slightly. You feel his breath on your cheek, and your eyelashes flutter without your permission. He giggles softly, and you blush a shade deeper. "You... you're... you," you stammer numbly. "You're real, you're alive, you're here! Why are you here?"

"I thought I'd pay you a visit; I've seen you on the screen of the TARDIS." At your confused look, he says, "She can tell who's watching her, and I know you watch the show because she told me." You nod your head slightly, still feeling a bit numb, after all, the Doctor is in your living room!

"But if you're just visiting," you ask, "does that mean you're leaving and not coming back? I don't think I could cope, knowing you exist but not being able to ever see you again."

"Well, I don't think I could stay..." Your heart sinks, knowing he is right, but then he finishes his statement. "But you could come with me." You leap into his arms, and he catches you, laughing. "So I'd say that's a yes?"

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