23-An Inspirational Story

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"I was trying to fly without leaving the ground,

Cause I wanted to be like Mike, right

Wanted to be him, I wanted to be that guy, I wanted to touch the rim

I wanted to be cool, and I wanted to fit in,

I wanted what he had, America, it begins"-Wings, Macklemore

Josh Beacon is a young boy that lives in Bronx, NY. He want's to be a big league basketball player. He want's to be in the NBA, but everyone has set backs. His dead is an alcoholic that abuses him and his mom is to busy with work to notice or help him. So when he gets a pair of Jordan's and begins to play basketball in the local park, he sees a future. He sees an image that was never there before. He sees an opportunity.  A touching story inspired by the song Wings, performed by Macklemore

"I want to fly

Can you take me far away

Give me a star to reach for

Tell me what it takes

And I'll go so high

I'll go so high

My feet won't touch the ground

Stitch my wings

And pull the strings

I bought these dreams

That all fall down..."

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