chapter 3: what chu mean?

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Me and my girls where walking out of the class room bumped into some one. Damn why t'f did i have to bump into her, i do not wan't to here ha mouth.

"OH look girls it's the ho" Sabrina spat

" BITCH WHO THE FUCK DO THINK YOU TALKIN TO" Danijah yelled at Sabrina

" um first of all you need to lower your voice when you talking to me other wise i'll have my daddy have yo a** removed from this school" Sabrina said trying to make us scared

I think i might have left something out, Sabrina's dad owns the school, but my girls and i don't care like other people in this school.

" excuse me do you think were scared of you daddy" Asia said to her and the twins

Oh i forgot agin Sabrina have these twins that back her up every where she go, like damn can't ya'll do anything yall want, and that my friends is what we call FOLLOWERS.

" you should be because her dad will have you out like that" Mary said

"yea" Mariah said

"i don't think she needs a cosighner because we can hear very well" Paige spat

" ooh check" Danijah said laughing 

" Cum on girls before we get their ulgy desiese" Sabrina said leaving.

Wack Bitchs

Paige, Asia, Danijah, and Brianna outfits for school in the comments

They don't know ( Khalil Underwood/ Mindless behavior)Where stories live. Discover now