Chapter 1

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*You Have 1 New Message*

Me: I want to break up

Unknown: what

Me: oh god this isn't Baek's number is it

Unknown: no

Unknown: who's Baek?

Unknown: who r u?

Me: oh god plus don't tell Baekkie about this

Me: we're happy

Me: I don't want to break up with him

Unknown: wtf

Unknown: I don't care about that

Unknown: I don't know who Baekkie is

Unknown: who are you and how did you get my number

Me: istg Yongguk if this is a prank

Unknown: who's Yongguk

Unknown: ffs who are you

Me: idek anymore

Me: who are you I thought this was Baekhyun's number

Me: wait

Me: the last number's different

Unknown: genius

Unknown: can you delete my number or something

Unknown: I'm supposed to be studying

Me: studying is for losers

Unknown: wow thanks

Wrong Number // DaeJaeWhere stories live. Discover now