Chapter 1

901 16 2

Jessie's P.O.V

My eyes flutter open. The soft fabric of my duvet cover surrounds me like a warm hug. I stretch my limbs and roll onto my side, grabbing my phone from under the pillow and checking the time, 9 o clock. I groan and roll the other way before closing my eyes again. It's a Saturday I have nothing to do today, no school or work or anything, it is a pure relaxation day.

My eyes fly open "shit..." the word tumbles from my lips as I jump out of my duvet cocoon. I rush to the calendar. Looking down the list of dated, my finger rests on today, Saturday the 11th. Written in bold are the words check phone calendar.

I rush back to my bed and grab my phone, typing in the password at lightning speed and clicking on the calendar. Tapping on todays date, I see it reads be at the coffee shop at 10. "Shit..." I say  again louder this time "I'm supposed to meet Kayleigh for making birthday plans." I walk over to my wardrobe and start to browse my clothes, before pulling out a pair of jeans and a baggy, woolly jumper.

Checking my phone one more time to see I have just over half an hour to get ready and get there. Once I'm dressed I twist my hair into a knot on the top of my head, pinning it in place and sticking a pencil through it. I pull out my phone and see that I have only fifteen minutes to get to the coffee shop.

Taking one last look in the mirror I run downstairs and grab my shoes, pulling them on quickly before leaving the house, deciding to send my mum a text to let her know I've gone out instead of waking her. Inserting my ear buds I begin to walk towards town, matching my pace to the beat of my music.


I arrive at the small coffee shop with seconds to spare. Scanning the room twice before I see Kayleigh's brown hair in the corner. She sees me and smiles. I smile back and give her a slight wave before pointing towards the line. Two coffee cups are held into the air and I smile wider pushing my way through the small crowd of people to get to her.

"Hey, thanks for the coffee." I say before plonking into the seat and grabbing one of the cups.

She rolls her eyes and smiles, "it's okay I thought you would need it as you've just woken up."

Doing my best to look innocent I reply, "I have been up for hours actually."

She starts to laugh, "Yeah sure you have it's a Saturday and I know you well enough to know that you probably rushed out of bed at half 9 to get ready." She rolls her eyes again before focusing back on me, a humoured look on her face. 

"Actually I got out of bed at 9" I smirk at her, "so anyway let's get to business, as I recall were here to plan for your 18th birthday."

She nods her head, "we are here to plan for my 18th birthday but we have to wait for Abbey to show up first."

I groan. It's not that I don't like Abby, she just annoys me sometimes and she can be really rude and loud. I'm pulled out of my thoughts by a chair scrapping across the floor and a voice saying "sorry I'm late guys, you didn't start without me did you?"

I grimace at Kayleigh as she replies "No, Jessie only got here about five minutes before you." They smile at each other. Kayleigh transfers her gaze to me and shoots a look that says 'be nice'. My hand circles my head drawing an imaginary halo and I smile sweetly at her, making her laugh. Abby looks at me with a confused expression as my hand fall's quickly to my side. She studies me for a second before letting it go and looking  down at the papers she has in front of her. Biting the inside of my cheek to stop myself from laughing I take a small breathe and ask "what's that?"

"These are some ideas for the party, I thought maybe we could brainstorm." She smiles at me and I give her a small smile in return. I hold my hand out toward them and she slides them to me. My eyes flicker across them and I'm surprised by the fact I actually like what I see. The smile on my face is genuine this time when I look at her, "these are all really good ideas."

"Thanks, here Kayleigh as it's your party take a look." She says sliding the paper away from me towards her. My best friend scans the papers and turns to Abby "what's this one about?" Abby begins to answer and I lose interest, picking up my phone and logging into twitter scrolling aimlessly through my timeline.

"Jessie?" I look up from my phone to see them both staring at me waiting for an answer to a question I never heard.

"What?" I ask them both defensively.

"Did you hear any of what I just said?" Kayleigh asks fighting back her laughter.

I shake my head, "no I wasn't listening sorry, what did you say?"

She smiles but tells me about how she's going to go with a black and white theme for her birthday party. I listen and congratulate her on her idea. Glancing at my phone I see its nearly 1PM. The other two look just as shocked as me when I tell them.

"I have to go I have to be back by 1" Kayleigh remarks.

"I better go too" Abby replies. I smile at them both and we all stand. This is when I see the outfit Kayleigh's wearing.

"Hey didn't I buy you that top and aren't they my shoes?" I comment on her clothes. She looks very punk rock today and I have to admit the look kind of suites her.

She smiles sweetly at me "yes and yes. I borrowed the shoes a couple of weeks ago and they just went with my outfit."

Frowning at her, I sigh "I'm not going to disagree with you but I want them back, I love those shoes." I pout and she nods in reply "soon I promise you can have them back soon."

We say our goodbyes and I hug both of them before turning away from them and slowly walking back through town. They live in the opposite direction so I'm left to walk by myself. I follow the heavy flow of people, walking at a slower pace than normal, in no hurry to get home.

Someone racing with the flow of people bashes into my shoulder, hard, knocking me off balance. I stumble and fall forwards towards the floor. My head connects to the pavement and I feel the pain within second flooding through it.

"Oh my god, are you okay, I am so sorry, oh gosh you're bleeding, here let me help you up..." a deep voice says above me. My hand flies to my forehead and I feel the deep cut there. That explains the alarming amount of blood running down my face.

I look up at the stranger and his eyes meet mine. His eyes are a startling green and he has brown curly hair. The second we make eye contact everything around me stops and suddenly he's all I can focus on. I cant remove my eyes from his, so we stare at each other, neither of us willing to look away.


AN: okay so this is my first story. there may be a few mistakes but im not perfect so yeah. ILY if you read my story and please comment and vote and stuff I don't care if it's finished and you only just started, comment on it and vote for it :-)

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