Chapter one the grey his eyes

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As the long drawn out beat of my favorite green day song plays in my ear I feel the relaxing feeling invade my ears it keeps me calm in all situations. It's a spell able to take ahold of me at all times it never fails to work its magic on me. I lower my headphones off my head and onto my neck to unlock my phone and check the time to find it is 11:45 PM. I feel my eyes getting heavy so I go out of my room to the bathroom right next to my room I open up the door turn on the light to examine my face to see how my detrimental features are holding up tonight. 

I look at my hair I notice how its long, dark brown, messy, and unkempt style adds to my look soIdecide not to brush it. i look at my beard i feel its sharp hairs against my fingers 'i have to shave once the weekend hits.' My eyes dance over to themselves i look deep into my hazel with some grey thrown in i feel like i could get lost in the huge maze of my eyes. I love eyes humans can lie but their eyes can't. If someone can look you in the eyes and their eyes show genuine love for you they are forever yours. To have a whole conversation using only your eyes with not a single word spoken between each other is what I want from someone it's my dream it's my love I want someone to love me every time they look at me with their endless eyes with endless love.

 I sigh and blink to break the trance of getting lost in my own eyes with the dream of true love on my mind I run some tap water splash my face a couple of times and take out my toothbrush and its partner the toothpaste. It's quite funny without the paste the toothbrush is useless it needs to have the paste to have meaning it needs to have its other half to be whole. It's like the toothbrush is taking the paste on a nice and elegant dance just having fun being together after not seeing each other for a whole day. I shake these thoughts off as I finish off the dance between the brush and paste and put the two lovers away. 

I put my headphones back on and start to sing to myself as I walk back to my room a sudden vibration goes off and I take out my phone to see that my best friend tyler pope he starts blowing up my phone and when I finally get to reply he tells me "shut the hell up Marcus and just listen, you stupid idiot " so grabbing my attention I wait for his texts. "Marcus its Anaya her SHE IS SINGLE" personally myself I wasn't shocked Anaya goes through men faster than tyler goes through mood swings and he is completely mad for this woman. "it's was almost her shortest relationship just 2 months" I reply with "man stop getting your hopes up just chill TF out you know damn well she ain't gonna even look at your ugly ass" I honestly couldn't blame the guy she is pretty damn beautiful I could go on and on and on but I don't wanna bore and torment myself over another pretty face. "well actually the only ugly one here is you with your unnaturally tall ass and plus rumor has it the bell of the ball is into you" I don't know who he thinks he's fooling "bruh shut the hell up stop lying to me your not gonna make me look like an ass in front of everyone AGAIN" my mind simply refuses to accept this lie he is telling me "man look at your dumbass you gonna look stupid again when she comes up to you tomorrow and yall the next power couple" tyler is stupid. "how am i gonna look dumb with the hottest girl in school being my girl?" He simply responds with "oh you right well shit lets talk tomorrow imma see you tomorrow G peace" 

I flip him off as we say our goodbyes the time being 1:28 AM I oddly feel energized like I just woke up from a power nap. my mind starts racing 'could I really be the next guy?' my mind racing my heart pounding over a girl I know is nothing but trouble. 'But I shouldn't judge like that just because she goes through men faster than I can go through a thanksgiving dinner doesn't mean she's trouble just means she's looking hard for the right guy a guy like me right?' 'Well I can't be this excited over her if I didn't want to try.' 'But with her i' i cut myself off there with one good slap to the face. A blissful stinging wake-up call to my stupidity because I know I'm driving myself crazy over a rumor that can't be true I know it's not true she doesn't even know me to her I shouldn't be a guy she's interested in fuck this I'm going to bed. As I slowly drift into my manic dream's overseen by my brain working crazily with all the possibilities of what could hold for me in my near future. "tomorrow's gonna be one hell of a day!"


authors note 

well this is my first story of wattpad i would love some feedback any at all would be helpful i will follow up with chapter 2 soon if you liked what you read tell me about it if you didnt tell me about it be honest and expect more thanks for reading so muh !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2017 ⏰

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