He Asks You to Be His Girlfriend

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He Asks You To Be His Girlfriend
(You are both on a 'no honorifics in your names' basis BTW) --------------------

Kagami Taiga

"To love is to burn, to be on fire." -Jane Austen
During basketball practice, Kagami seemed distracted while the others smiled at him and pat his back to calm him down.

You just looked at them, confused, and tried to focus on the drills instead.

After forty-five minutes of practice, Riko decided to end practice early. For a reason you didn't know.

As you waved to the team on your way out, Kagami gripped his bag strap tightly . You sent a questioning glance his way, but he didn't notice. You sighed and walked in silence with him until you reached your home.

"Well," you said, breaking the silent atmosphere, "See you around, Kagami."

You were about to turn around, when Kagami exclaimed, "Will you go out with me?!"

"Huh?" you asked, shocked.

He coughed, a blush visible on his tanned cheeks, "Y-You know... Will you be my g-girlfriend?"

You smiled and nodded enthusiastically, "Yes!"


Seirin's basketball team--minus you and Kagami--followed the two of you home. Yes, all of them followed you home, just to see if you would say yes. Earlier, Kagami asked the team for advice. Not the best decision on his part, but that's Bakagami for you.

Kuroko held up his phone and snapped a few pictures of the two of you as the scene played before the anxious team.

As you nodded your head, some of the members groaned, annoyed that Kagami got a girlfriend before them.

Kagami and you, hearing something behind the bushes, quickly glanced at the source, but didn't see anything so you both deemed it unimportant.

Oh, how wrong you were...

Kuroko Tetsuya
"Love seeketh not itself to please, nor for itself hath any care, but for another gives its ease, and builds a Heaven in Hell's despair." -William Blake
Kuroko wanted to ask you to be his girlfriend for a while, but didn't know how. So, he went to the team for help, like Kagami did. And, because it seemed to work out for him, he didn't see why not. All he has to do is not tell them where and make sure they won't follow him like they did with Kagami.

As the other guys tried to think of some 'inspiring' advice, Riko stood calm, for once, and spoke to Kuroko with great wisdom and sincerity, "Just ask her. Speak your mind as you tell her your feelings and make sure she understands clearly, that you want to be with her."

The team looked at her in shock as she quickly went back to yelling at them.


Riko let him off practice today, only if he promised to put in twice as much effort next practice.

He was sitting on a bench with you at a park near the school. The two of you were watching the sun set, just admiring the red and golden hues in the shimmering orange sky. There was a light breeze. It picked up fallen leaves and cherry blossom petals and swirled them around, as if they were dancing across the sky. The clouds, now a pinkish ombré, adorned the sky like ornaments on a tree.

Kuroko looked at you, you looked beautiful. The setting sun lighting up your face, eyes shimmering in the light. Your hair, gently swaying in the breeze, also shining in the sunlight.

Kuroko spoke up, "(L/N)-chan?"

You looked at him and tilt your head, "Yes?"

It was killing him. He wanted to ask you so badly....And he did.

"Will you be my girlfriend?" he asked, his voice laced in hope and slight nervousness.

You registered what he said, smiled, and hugged him, burying your face in his neck trying to hide your blush, "Of course!"

He smiled as well, and wrapped his arms around your waist.

Kise Ryōta
"In all the world, there is no heart for me like yours.In all the world, there is no love for you like mine." -Maya Angelou

Kise decided to just straight up ask you. He felt confident enough,

Until, that is, he saw you walking up to him. He cried in his head at his cursed luck, even though that was definitely not the case here.

"Hey Kise," you said, smiling.

His heart melted, he couldn't take it. You were too much for him. He felt his confidence slowly decrease as the seconds went by.

After a couple seconds of not getting a response, you raised an eyebrow as you waved a hand in front of his face, "-se? Kise? Hello?"

He shook his head as he snapped out of his daze, "Yes, (L/N)chii?"

You smiled again, "Want to go out for lunch?"

He smiled, temporarily forgetting his dilemma.

As you ate, Kise was thinking again. His eyebrows were furrowed, and you looked at him confusedly.

You poked the lines in between his furrowed eyebrows and giggled when he looked up in surprise, "You're getting wrinkles, Kise."

His face morphed into one of distress as he rambled about his career going own the drain.

You laughed, "I was just kidding Kise."

He sighed and pouted, "Don't joke like that (L/N)chii!"

The two of you continued your lunch, teasing each other, laughing, and joking the entire time.

After you guys left the diner, Kise stopped you and stared at you straight in the eyes.

"(L/N)chii. I've been wanting to ask you this all day," he took a deep breath, "Will you be my girlfriend--ssu?"

You smiled, "Of course I'll be your girlfriend, Kise!"

Midorima Shintarō
(A/N: I always have fun writing for Midorima)
"I have to remind myself to breathe -- almost to remind my heart to beat!" -Emily Brontë
Midorima, Takao, and you were walking home from another basketball game won. Midorima thought that it wouldn't be fair to have one person biking, another riding in the wagon, and the other person walking--not that he cared, according to him at least--.

"Mido-kun, can you give me a piggy-back-ride?" you asked.

"No," he stated bluntly.

You pouted a bit before facing forward again.

After a while, Takao drifted off somewhere, saying he'll catch up with the two of you later.

You looked at Midorima with big eyes, "Are you sure you can't carry me?"

He tried not to look at you, but after one glance, he regret it. He cleared his throat.

"I-I'm sure!" he said, a bit reluctantly.

You sighed, giving up for a moment.

Midorima sighed, a heavy blush adorning his cheeks, "Okay! J-Just stop m-making that face!"

You immediately perked up and hopped on his back, your arms securely around his neck, legs wrapped around his waist, and his arms under your knees to keep you from falling.

You smiled, "Thank you Mido-kun~"

He blushed, "Y-Your welcome..."

People stared and giggled at the two of you. Midorima blush deepened as they made comments on how 'cute you two were.'

Getting to your house, Midorima carefully set you down on the ground.

You giggled lightly, "Thank you Mido-kun~ See you tomorrow!"

He stopped you before you could go inside, "W-Wait! P-Please!"

You turned around, a thoughtful smile adorning your (S/T) (skin tone; pale, tan, etc.) face, "Yeah?"

He, for once, actually looked quite composed while asking you this, besides the now light blush on his face.

He cleared his throat, "U-Uhm... Will you... be my g-girlfriend?"

You smiled wider than you ever have before and hugged him, kissing his cheek before laying your head on hid shoulder.

*Extra* (of course I have an extra, it's hinted at the beginning...and it's Takao ;D)

Takao sneakily walked towards the house, hiding behind light poles and the neighbors' bushes. He took out his phone and made sure to turn off the flash before getting ready to get (future blackmail) photos of the two of you.

He hid behind a tree in your front yard and took pictures of the two of you as the scene played out.

He squealed silently, "The ship has sailed!"

Aomine Daiki
(A/N: Fri. I was kinda stuck here)

"When I first met you, I honestly didn't know you were gonna be this important to me."

This time, instead of on the roof, the two of you were at a park. His head was on your lap, your back against a tree with your phone in your hand. You were watching an episode of your favorite anime (no, it cannot be kuroko no basuke), your earbuds securely in your ears.

The breeze made the branches and leaves sway back and forth, the sun shimmering softly through the leaves, coming out in green and white speckles. The cool air was refreshing and the faint laughter and voices of people playing surrounding the two of you.

You had finished the season a few moments earlier and, to save yourself the emotional trauma, you turned off your phone and watched the people play (not in a creepy way or anything).

You smiled softly at the happy atmosphere surrounding the park and looked down at Aomine. His navy hair was swaying in the breeze, and the light reflected off of his tanned face.

His eyes cracked open and he smirked at you, "Admiring my amazing looks, are we?"

You blushed as you playfully punched his shoulder, "No. I am not 'admiring you' Ahomine."

He frowned slightly as he grumbled, "I told you not to call me that..."

You smirked, "Too bad."

He scoffed and the two of you talked about random things. You ranted about (favorite anime that isn't KnB), and what the characters were doing wrong, while he just laughed at you.

You pouted, "It's not funny. (Stupid character) should have (What they should have done)!"

He smirked, "I still don't get why you're obsessed with those characters. They don't even exist."

You grew a tick mark on your forehead, "Like you have room to talk Ahomine. With all of those magazines you look at, I would have assumed that you would understand."

He frowned, "But they're real."

You dramatically put a hand to your forehead, "I give up! The great Ahomine has defeated me with his perverted logic!"

He scoffed and the two conversed until the sun started to set, and the number of families slowly dwindled to a mere two or three.

On the walk home, the two of you didn't speak, and just enjoyed the each other's presence.

"Hey, (L/N)?" he asked.

You 'hm'ed in response.

"Will you be my girlfriend?"

You smiled and looked up at him, "I would love to be your girlfriend."

Murasakibara Atsushi
(A/N: Sat. First day of summer vacation! Woohoo!)

"I love that feeling I get when I see your smile."

"Hey Mura-kun," you said as you caught him walking to the school gate.

"Hello (L/N)chin," he said lazily.

The two of you started walking towards your homes, talking about snacks.... while eating snacks.

After you finished your snacks, the two of you decided to get more. As you went into the candy store, Murasakibara went into a donut shop (A/N: do you see where this is going? ( ; ).

You came back with about twenty lollipops and three bags of (favorite candy). You waited for Murasakibara outside the donut shop.

When he came out, he had two boxes. He held one under his arm and opened the other one.

"Can I have one?" you asked.

He nodded and held the box out to you. You grabbed a (favorite donut) and took a bite.

Your eyes sparkled, "Mmm~"

Murasakibara smiled slightly at your reaction and threw the box away when he finished.

You handed him a few lollipops. He ate them gladly.

The two of you continued to eat and talk, not at the same time of course, on your walk home.

After the two of you finished your other snacks, you wondered why Murasakibara hasn't touched the other box of donuts, that were now in his hands.

You didn't worry about it and continued walking until the both of you stopped at your house.

Murasakibara walked you to the door and stopped you before you went inside.

"(L/N)chin?" he asked.

You smiled, "Yeah?"

He held out the box of uneaten donuts, "These are for you."

You smiled, sparkles surrounding you, "Really?! Can I eat one now?"

He nodded ad you opened it with a newfound eagerness.

You opened the box to find and assortment of six donuts. Each having a different word in frosting on it. They spelled out the sentence, 'Will You Be My Girlfriend'.

You carefully set down the box and looked at Murasakibara with a serious face, "You did that?"

He nodded and a big smile formed on your face as you hugged him, "Of course I'll be your girlfriend, Mura-kun!"

Akashi Seijuro
"Love insists the loved loves back" -Dante Alighieri

You were waiting for basketball practice to end so you could ride home with Akashi.

He walked out in his usual attire and walked towards you, a small smile on his face, "Ready to go?"

You nodded, a slight smile on your face as well.

Your ride home was waiting at the gates of the school, knowing what time practice ends.

Akashi held the car door open for you as you got in, and entered after you.

The ride home consisted of the occasional small talk and comfortable silence.

When you got home, Akashi insisted he walk you to the door. You couldn't disagree because he's Akashi, and 'he always wins'.

The two of you walked in silence, only the sounds of the leaves swaying on the trees, and the chirping of the birds to fill it.

Making it to the door you turned to face him, "See you tomorrow, Akashi."

"Wait," he said, successfully making you halt your actions.

"Yes?" you asked, confused.

He looked at you, his eyes glimmering pools of color and full of assertiveness.

"You will be my girlfriend, yes?"

You looked at him for a moment before answering, "Well, Akashi Seijuro always wins, therefore, he is always right. So, yes. I will be your girlfriend."

Small smiles adorned both of your otherwise stoic faces.

Akashi grabbed your hand and kissed it gently, before heading back towards his car.

You watched ad his car drove off before heading inside, a smile on your face for the remainder of the evening.

A/N: Phew! That was like 2,300 words! I did this over the course of two days. I hope you liked it, bye bye~!

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