Better Slow

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a/n: i'm celebrating that i reached 1k followers with you guys!!!! thank you all, here's the explicit content that my other one-shots lacked lmao i literally wrote this with the purpose to write smut so yay for embracing sexuality!!!! this one is nearly 24k words long, so read at your own risk, you've been warned. with that being said, enjoy! (i mean, i hope?)



i can't fall for you

Out of all the bad days Lauren has ever had in her life, she is pretty sure that this has to be the worst of them all.

It all started the day before, actually, when she forgot to set her alarm for that day.

So when Lauren finally opens her green eyes almost half an hour later than she is supposed to (she is kind of a morning person now), she curses all of the things she can remember before she sprints to her bathroom to take a quick shower.

Since she woke up late having breakfast is not an option for her so as she leaves her apartment she decides to grab a bite on her way to work if she has the time.

Things don't go as planned, obviously, and Lauren ends up giving up her breakfast because stupid traffic happened, but thankfully she was right on time for work and letting a sigh run past her lips, she greets everyone in the office with a rather relieved smile.

Her bad day only gets worse from then because when she asks her assistant Jimmy to get her a coffee and a sandwich (which should be a really easy task to do according to Lauren), he does not only get her coffee order wrong but her sandwich order wrong as well.

At this point Lauren could be physically fuming —because she is also hungry as hell—, but then she remembers the wise words of the one and only Dinah Jane Hansen: 'just freakin' breathe, bish, life's being silly again, you'll get through it', and that is what Lauren does.

So she breathes in deeply, receives the sandwich and the coffee from Jimmy's hands and closes the door of her office right in his face to throw the sandwich in the trash can.

The coffee kind of tastes good because it's coffee after all and Lauren is trying to get as much work done before lunch arrives before she takes a sip and spills the drink into her favorite blouse. She can't help the low, angry, and frustrated growl that bubbles in her throat, so Lauren has to force herself to remember Dinah's words again before she snaps at the first person that dares to knock on her door.

Which is Dinah herself, by the way.

Dinah —tall, curvy and exceptionally beautiful— just snickers right in her face, teases Lauren a bit gaining a ghost of a smile from the green-eyed girl and offers to get Lauren a clean blouse before she closes the door and reminds Lauren that lunch is getting closer.

Running a hand through her dark hair, Lauren gives her a quick 'thank you' and she does alright for the rest of the morning until she meets with Normani, Dinah, and Ally to get lunch together.

They do manage to lift her spirit a bit and when Lauren is back in her office she is feeling at least a little bit less stressed, slightly lighter and has a better disposition.

That is until she remembers the stupid meeting she is supposed to be having in the next five minutes and everything goes to hell again.

Her meeting with the big bosses of the company does not go as planned: she was a few minutes late, she stuttered a lot, she could not seal the deal with this really important company she is trying to make business with and Lauren's morale and confidence is left basically on the ground.

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