Chapter 25: Daddy's Not Dead

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Edited :)

"Dad?" I asked as I looked at the man who I thought I had killed all those years ago standing in front of me and he looked at me.

He just stares at me blankly, not moving an inch, so I make the decision of getting up. How did he not recognize his own daughter? Then again I didn't recognize him at first sight until I looked at him and I heard his voice.

"Angelina." Dad, Negan, said as he looked at me and I just looked at him like I couldn't believe that he was still alive at all the past years had passed.

"How the fuck are you not dead?" I asked as I looked at him face to face and he smirked as he looked at me and I heard Beth from behind me.

"No mama! Bad mama!" Beth said and scolded me and I tried not to smile, I didn't because I was facing the person that I wanted to kill for real this time.

"You tried killing me yeah, but you missed. See if you wanted to kill me, make sure you aim for my head next time sweet heart." Negan said smugly and I rolled my eyes and I looked at him again.

"Where did I shoot you that I missed?" I asked as I made sure Beth wasn't in any way in harms way because she was my whole world.

"Chest, but Simon helped me fix that up." Negan said and smirked and I shook my head and breathed out in annoyance as I looked at him.

"Where's Lucille? Or did she leave you too? How did you find me and where are our people?" I asked starting to get irritated as I looked at him and he looked pissed as he looked at me.

"Simon, take my daughter to the place where we are keeping the others and make sure she and the boys are all locked up nice and safe." Negan said and I was grabbed and I tried to get out of Simon's grip and he held me tight.

"What about these guys?" Simon asked and made a head gesture to the others and I couldn't risk letting any of the other girls get hurt on my watch.

"I'll have the rest of the guys keep a good eye on these lovely ladies. Oh and Simon, do whatever you feel like with my daughter and don't take it easy on her. Make her feel pain." Negan said and laughed an ugly laugh and I was struggling still to get out of Simon's grasp.

"Alright sweet cheeks. Let's go." Simon said and gripped my arm tighter and started pushing me out the door and I couldn't just leave Beth behind.

"Mama! No mama! Mama!" Beth cried as I looked back and I tried reaching out for my daughter as I looked at her and Judith was holding her back.

"Beth no! Beth please let me go get her! No! Baby! Beth! No! Let go of me! No my baby!" I screamed as he began dragging me out of the door and I wanted to get to my daughter.

"Quiet down. Let's go." Simon said and dragged me and I tried everything in my will to get to my daughter, but he was forcing me out of the front doo.r

"Beth no! Let go of me you prick! Beth!" I screamed and it was already too late because Simon hit me so hard that it knocked me into a deep sleep.

When I woke up we were stopped yet I looked and pretended to be asleep as Simon picked up my body and carried me into a building. He finally stopped in front of a door and unlocked it and he kicked it open and only Carl, Rick, Abraham, and Glenn were in there. Simon threw my body onto the floor and then shut and locked the door, that's when I got up and rubbed my eyes and I looked around and I looked at Carl.

"Angie! Baby are you alright?" Carl asked as I hugged him and he held me tight and I breathed in his scent because I didn't know what was going to happen after this.

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