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So I lay there in bed that girl Lu she was the only thing I was thinking about for day and night I talked to her after work then I started to eat lunch with her but my queen said that we have to Impregnate some more people and or kill more people for the other hive so as night falls I sneak out to the night waiting for a poor soul to walk out in front of me then a man steps out from the building next to me I hanged on the the wall so he could not see me. Then the guy walk in front of me I hoped down on top of gun he screamed then I plugged my fist into his chest cavity then I rip his lungs out leaving blood poring down my arm and on the side walk . I pulled the guy in to the shadows I climbed back up and waited again then a hooker stepped out in to the light of a street lamp I then slowy walked up be hide her to what I thought was a girl I pull the hooker into the darkness of the Alleyway I then pushed her to the floor I hissed on her ear see was crying I could hear it I then grabed a facehugger and attached it to her face I then did this for the rest of the night I then dropped off the rest of the dead body's and impregnated people to the other hive (After I get back home) (Y/N) uhg... my arms killing me... (you look on your phone just to see my refetion and I see I'm covered in blood and stuff  * great time to take a shower *you take a shower and then after you get down you pass out on your bed... (morning)  you tiredly stumble out the door to work when you get there you feel tired and weak you somehow make it through the day but when you walk out of taco wissle Lu runs up to you and asks (Lu) hey (y/n) you seam real tired you sure you can make it home? (Y/n) uh...yeah yeah *yawn* I  can make it home *you drop you keys then you tried to crouch down to pick them up but you pass out in the middle of the road Lu then takes you to her home so you can rest on her couch after A while you wake up * (y/n) uhg... where am I?  (Lu) oh (y/n) you woke up you passed out in the middle of the road so I thought you could rest here for the night the I can take you to work tomorrow (y/n) oh you didn't need to do this I could of made it home  (Lu) by the looks you you  would of passed out in the middle of driving  (y/n) oh well thanks (lu) no problem.....would you want to go on another date? (Y/n) zzz (lu) hehe I'll take as a yes.

Sorry about the late chapter update stuff happened and when stuff happens you have to wait to do some stuff like this but hope you guys and gals injoyed this chapter  and BYEEEE

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