(Paper cut-linkin park🖤)

I searched his pockets wasting no time. I found a pack of cigarettes I waste no time in grabbing the matches shakily lifting a cigarette to my lips and lighting it. I pick up another shard of glass and walk out of the room, down the hall, into the living room,and out of the front door. I recognised were I was quickly. I ran down the road to the end took a right and kept going until I saw Cody's house. I banged on the door yelling for help. Cody's father came to the door in his regular sweatpants and wife beater. I was crying so hard and I couldnt breath he hugged me to his chest and stroked my hair. He pulled me inside and sat me down at the dining room table. I told him what happened and I felt something poking my lips as I talked. I brought my finger up to my tooth poked it and felt a sharp pinch in my finger.

"Ow!" I exclaimed. I brought my finger into eye sight and saw a drop of blood rolling down my finger to my palm and down to my palm. I look to Cody's father.

"I dont feel good." I say then blacked out.
when she wakes up**
I wake up to a blinding light above me. I squint and sit up i then look around. I saw four concrete walls and i saw nothing but shadows. Nothing. Nothing at all. Why could i see nothing outside of the shadows. Why didnt the light put out a larger rim it made me a little paraniod.I go to get off of this table thing that i was laying down on. But when i tried to i felt a pinch in my arm. I look down and see a needle peircing my flesh. There was a tub with red liquid inside of it leading to a bag hanging on a hook on a metal coat hanger type thing. I look up to the bag and saw it was a crimson red. How weird i thought to my self. Why the hell am I?

"What the hell?" I whisper. And i go to pull it out the tube from my arm i did not like it there i wanted it out. So i tried to pull it out but was stopped. By a voice,

"Do not do that."my head snapped to the direction of the corner across from me. I squinted trying to see who it was. He came into the light it was Cody's dad.

" listen kid your not normal- I mean you- ummmm- okay look this is the first time im doin this so go easy."he stopped and chucked a bit." You are a vampire...."

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