Hot weather

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Its the late night,hearing pacing back and forth in front of your door then sounds becoming quiet and loud with tension,however you don't seem to mind lately hardly get any sleep after what Pearl said awhile ago "We look everywhere for her who knows what she can (Y/n) we will come and check on you since you know about us..most likely Jasper is watching" you discuss this to Jasper its seem  now you an Jasper are in the same page.....sort of even though hearing Jasper pacing around give you ease some reason you liked the big cheetos puff invaliding you space after the day began to feel hot,though its not summer yet,mid of April still feel hot sensation coercing threw you body light sting feel in your chest,and the fast beating heart every time you are near the alien as hard as you tried to ignore it was ineffable.Still you never felt like this before to...anyone for that matter well you wish to understand this feeling could it be love? Or maybe you like her? Do you have a crush? Jasper?!?. More and more you think about it seem....quite truth taking a likely to Jasper you seem quiet happy about having a crush on her.Yet again dose she know about love? that question remind stuck..the rejection isn't the worse thing its whether or not she understand what is love! let alone a relationship....she is a rock from outer space!.More you think the more isn't possible to start a relationship with your strange roommate even though Steven have an expectation to the rule you can never swim far enough....still you felt surprisingly hopeful whether or not it might work as long as she by your side its more than enough.....but for how long?

"Jasper do you have to pace around the middle of the night?!?" I ask gently rubbing my eyes walking past her "humph" she continue to pace around more aggressively I laugh to the sight very odd Jasper get worked up over the Crystal gem "what's so funny?!?!" she ask stepping close to me making my heart race "you're having a hard time?" she groan walking away as I take sip if water as time went by slowly to the outside seem to go fast early morning arose you heard a knock Jasper rose up looking tense than ever soon you realize Steven said he come over for a visit "Jasper you need to hide" she nodded a bit surprise told her to hide none the less she disappear gladly open the door see a smiling boy looking at you "hey (Y/n) I hope you don't mind I  brought Amethyst along"he smiled giving me a hug soon Amethyst pop-out with her body relaxing on the chair "sup dude,this chair super rad" I smile even chuckled a bit by her strange humor "oh right,come on in guy" I gestured them to come immediately Amethyst sat into the couch Steven sat beside her with a huge grin "Hey (Y/N) do you have anything to eat?" Amethyst groan flipping her hair off to the side "yeah...there some left over steak and potato" she immediately got up went to my kitchen rustling threw the cabinets "so anyway (Y/N) wanna come to the awesome party with us!! we have the best DJ in beach city Sour cream hosting the party" he smiled widely containing his excitement ,Amethyst came back eating the whole pot "what are we talking about?' she ask licking off her fingers Steven groan turning his attention Amethyst 'you know, the party Sour cream is hosting!' he exclaim awhile Amethyst sudden realization 'yeah right, that something else we came to talk about" she shrug look a bit comfortable giving a long sighs "(Y/N) for your safety and all of beach city please if you have encounter her please let the Crystal gem know dangerous" Steven said in concerns smiling a little "can you at least tell me who that person is?". They look at each other thinking for a moment to come to an conclusion "fine Jasper worked for home world she was sent to see the process on the Earth if there was any Rebels. along with Peridot when she got here from a giant hand with Peridot and Lapis.....she defuse Garnet and gave me a black eye we're about to go to home world until I free everyone and the ship crashed down we then Lapis and Jasper fuse together for over a year!!!" he said in a sad tone I couldn't begin to comprehend what his life is like....somehow he remind strong stronger than me "that pretty much it (Y/N)" I thought for second maybe they got the wrong impression of her "maybe you are wrong about he if she was from home world maybe its was....her job..." Amethyst stood up a serious face "look (Y/N) there is a lot you don't know about us don't go thinking you understand everything" I sigh beginning to feel guilty its true I don't know anything still maybe...they got the wrong tension "I am sorry I shouldn't have said anything"  she gently smiled reassuring its alright  "don't sweat it,dude".                For a little while we hangout talked,watch a movie,played some game before they left Steven give me a flier containing all the information to Sour cream DJ party seem Steven way to excited about about the glow stick and the fireworks "Yeah (Y/N) we are going to have firework on the ledge " seem quiet odd to be parting on the hill its was all Steven and Amethyst idea to host an party on the ledge lucky there was a fence so no one accidentally fall or something,but the Crystals gem will be there for safety reason.I waited and clean my room hopping Jasper would come back and we can talk or something..but she didn't.....I felt worry and yet sad so to ease my mind I went to work where I met Greg sitting down with shade on "hey Greg" he jolted up very surprised  groaning as his shade fall off "(Y/N) you are here early!!" he adjusted himself better position "yeah I just wanna talk..if that okay?" I sat by him thinking putting the pieces together "so what up,kiddo" he ask with a worried look I sigh laying back "Greg ever..feel like y-you and this person from too different worlds!!?" I said feeling relief and regret  he laugh a little "I know how you feel same way I felt about Rose we where from two different place..somehow we made it work found something in conman with each other" I listen closely should I be open? s-should I confess my feeling? or just make work like Greg and Rose "(Y/N) are you having problem with someone?"Greg ask with a worried look what should I say?...tell him about jasper?!?  Could I trust him? "well no..not anyone in particular" I said bold face lie "alright if you ever need to talk I am alway here...we should get back to work" I nodded started cleaning a few car hours went by until 3:00 pm as I headed out looking at how beautiful beach city is wondering where to next? i sigh that though stepping into my front door to see Jasper standing "Hello Jasper!" she step forth with an strin look "You really think I different!?" my eye widen with confusion is she mad? What did I do? "i don't know what you are talking about?!?" she grunt her eyes burn deep into my soul "you know what exactly am I talking about you think I can change?!" she step me aside stomping angrily I grab her arms "Jasper....I am sorry.." she jerk my hand lean down close "you are nothing more than a human" I clutch my fist pulled her hair our lips touch step back dropping almost abit shocked holding into her mouth we stood there silence she looked gross-out her eyes said differently.
There was silences you sat on the floor shocked, "I kiss her,....I actually kiss her" deep down you where happy even though you where ready for the rejection of the confused look on her face "but hopefully that is the case". Suddenly Jasper crouched down your heart began to pound repeatedly, awhile you can feel the present of Jasper looking down at you " its was fear...the fear of her something that you shouldn't have felt when you first meet her" "Hey (Y/N)" Jasper spoke almost calming,y ou didn't dear to look "Sorry, Jasper just forget this ever happen" you stood up smiling deep down this pain wouldn't go away "I have to go, Steven invited me to the party" you didn't look at Jasper just shrugged walked past her you felt like crying Jasper suddenly grab your arm by your surprise "Hey, I wasn't done talking now look at me when I am" Jasper demanded her voice loud and pronounce. You turn slowly only to meet Jasper light-orange eyes she wasn't mad nor angry it was a look of worried "Do that again" she spoke pulling you closer "Do what? exactly?" You question even though you honestly knew what she meant by "you know what I mean or..." Jasper pullled you closer, lifting your chin up making your eyes meet with hers for monemt there was hesitation either she was waiting for you do something or the anticipation Jasper might kiss you. You where confused and scared  reluctantly you tired to move away, but felt a large arm wrap around your waist tightly, "Thing couldn't get any worse" to you it felt nice her large arm wrapped around you, and slightly warmth of her chest. Slowly Jasper lean in inches from her face "J-jasper...-" you were nervous knowing what exactly going to happen, but accept it anyways close your eyes tightly. The door ring both you and Jasper pulled away you knew well enough who it was.Steven. And well began to panic even for a gem like Jasper you could tell in her eyes she was freaking out as well "It's Steven" you said trying to breath Jasper clutch her fist tightly "Rose Quartz...ruining everything" Jasper spoke harshly you blush deeply, "she is mad about steven ruin the fact she was about to kiss me" you were in conflict with yourself that Rose Quartz ruined this moment therr was no time to think about that you had to hide Jasper and answer the door "Helllooooo, (Y/N) are you home? Hurry the party is about to start soon" Steven said through the door "Ughhhh and I thought you take forever to get ready" Amethyst spoke groaning I laugh abit I hardly had time to get ready after what almost happen just now. Jasper pat your head "Be safe, (Y/N)" You smile widely Jasper walked away out into the back yarned. I took a deep breath and open the door Steven with his warm smile pulled me outside "Hurry, hurry we're gonna be late" Steven spoke tugging me as we walk into the sand, Amethyst tag behind eating a bag of chips as you and Steven climb a cliff " Woohoo are you ready to have some fun, (Y/N)" Amethyst said with a cheeky grin Steven held your hand "Sorry, I can tell how nervous you are meeting stranger...and" Steven said shrugging with a sad look "No, it's fine I wanted to meet more of your friends so don't worry I am happy" Steven look at you with a smile held your hand tightly "Oh, look it Connie" Steven ran towards Connie gave her a hug you followed behind " Connie I am so glad you came!" Steven smile widely as the brown-ish-hair girl with glasses smile "Yeah, it was hard to convince my mom to let me come" Connie laugh a bit she turn and notices you awkwardly standing there "Oh, Steven is this friend you told me about" Connie said getting Steven attention, "My name sure get around" Connie extended her hand to you and you both shook it and smile "Hi, I am Connie Maheswaran, you can call me Connie" She greeted you with ad-most professional such a polite girl "Oh, I am (Y/N) (L/N) It's nice to meet Steven girlfriend" Both Connie and Steven blush bright red "No, no, no, we are not dating or anything like that" Steven spoke loudly deep down you couldn't help, but laughed loudly "He's not my boyfriend" Connie said looking away nervously you began to laugh clutch your stomach tightly "Sorry I am just messing with you" you gave them a wink, but relieved it was just a joke. After awhile of dancing and eating you look around wondering where is Pearl and Garnet only person who here is Amethyst still eating every snack on the table Connie and Steven dancing without a care in the world you didn't want to disturbed them so you walked to Amethyst stuffing her face "Hey, Amy" you said grabbing a small bag of chips "Who's Amy?" Amethyst said confused "You are, silly it's a nickname" Amethyst smiled widely "Oh awesome so isn't this party kick-ass?" Amethyst said excitedly, "s-she just cured... ahahah" You sigh heavily "yeah, it fun this is the most fun I ever had and oh that remind me where is Pearl and Garnet?" You ask wondering "Well, Garnet and Pearl is out looking for her she said something about ughhhh that she close to finding her" You panic hopping they wouldn't find her "so why didn't you go" You ask curiously still watching everyone dances " Well, to watch and protect Steven, Connie, eveyone and plus it's a party!" Amethyst smile widely sitting on the table. After a hour past there was a huge explosion or rather something crashing down the surrounding bulding fall down and chuck of debris fall down for short monemt you black out.

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