We Feel The Feels (Kind Of An Epilouge)

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I sat on the couch with Sirius, as no one was back yet from dinner. "So. What did you need to tell me?" I asked. "Well, um. Seeing as I know your secret, I figures it would be fair if I told you mine" he said. I put my hand on his shoulder. "You don't have to tell me. Tell me when you're ready" I said. "I am ready" he said, and sighed again.

"Um, well, I too don't exactly have a good home life. See, I'm the only Gryffindor in my house, while everyone else is a Slytherin. And, my parents are all about blood purity. So, um, they tend to yell at me, and even hit me at times whenever I make the slightest mistake" he said. I suddenly feel bad, so I wrap my arms around him. He put his arms around me also.

"I need your opinion. Do I leave?" he asked. I thought about it. "If you think it's the best. I mean, you could stay with Remus or James, or even Jessica. If not any of them, you have a place at the Leaky Cauldron in a room next to mine" I promised. He smiled at me. "Thanks" he said, before burrying his face into my neck. For some reason, I felt safe in his arms, and I didn't want to let go. And from the looks of it, neither did Sirius. "You smell good" he mumbled  into my hair. I chuckled. "Thanks, though I haven't washed my hair in a few days" I said with a small smile. "I don't care" he said. Slowly, I fell asleep.

Sirius's POV

I looked down at Dakota, and smiled. She honestly was really pretty with her hair a light pink. It was cute. I kissed her head, and I smiled when she snuggled into my chest. I decided I didn't want to move, so I carefully grabbed my wand, and I changed my clothes without moving, then I changed Dakota's clothes, seeing as she might be more comfortable. However, whenever I summon clothes, they always show up as mine, so Dakota was stuck in one of my old band T-shirts and over sized sweatpants. She actually looked really cute in my clothes.

Slowly, I also fell asleep.

Lily's POV

James, Peter, Jessica, and Remus and I walked into our common room, and I nearly ran into James when he stopped abruptly. I groaned, and looked at what he was staring at.

Dakota and Sirius were cuddling on the couch as they slept- wait what? Since when did she wear Sirius's shirt and pants? Anyways, is was so flipping cute! "Aww!" I cooed at them. James, Jessica, and Remus smiled at them. I grabbed a blanket and drapped it over them. James looked at me and winked before walking with Remus and Peter to their dorm. I blushed, and went to my room. I guess this is going to be a beautiful friendship between everyone after all!

Three Months Later 3rd Person POV

Over the next three months, Dakota, Sirius, Jessica, Remus, Lily, James, Safrina, and Sev have develouped a weird yet strong friendship, despite the Marauders hating Sev at one point. They eat together, go to Hogsmeade together, study together, practiaclly do everything together. They even know about Remus' 'furry problem', and help out as much as they can. However, Sev and James both have feelings for Lily, meaning they do argue sometimes. However, Dakota and Sirius have become almost inseperable. They helped each other  with subjects, eat, hang out, visit Mertle, and even cuddle a lot of the time. They honestly act like a couple. And one day, they do become a couple.

It was after the fifth win for the Gryffindors in a row, and Sirius was on his game. Of course, the group rooted for him and James whenever they played. Sirius and James had just gotten out of the lockers, and went to join everyone. Sirius right away hugged Dakota, and kept an arm around her at all times. "I swear, you are my lucky charm. I hvae not played that well until we became friends" Sirius wa saying, causing Dakota to blush. "You play well all the time" she countered. "Nope, you are my lucky charm" he said, stuck on this idea. "Okay, say I was your lucky charm. Does that mean if Slytherin or Hufflepuff were playing, I would be their lucky charm too? Seeing as I'm friends with a Slytherin and a Hufflepuff" she teased him, and he narrowed his eyes at her.

He wrapped both arms around her, and stopped in the middle of the hall, not letting her move. "No. My lucky charm" he growled into her ear. Dakota giggle. "Possesive much?" she asked, looking up at him. Their faces were a mere few inches apart, seeing as Sirius was leaning over her. Sirius' eyes flickered to her lips, and she did the same. Then, as though tghey were thinking the same thing, they leaned in, and their lips met. It was their first kiss, and it set off bombs in Dakota's belly. It was soft, yet still passionate. Sirius pulled her impossibly closer, and Dakota draped her arms over her shoulders and ran through his hair. Then, becaus eof the need for air, they pulled away. They looked at each other, and smiled.

"Dakota. Would you like to be my girlfriend?" asked Sirius. Dakota nodded rapidly, and they kissed again, this time a little rougher. Sirius' hands moved down her sides and gripped her hips.

"Well, it's about time!" someone interupted them. Sirius grosned, not wanting to stop, and they both turned around to see Lily, James, Sev, Safrina, Remus, and Jessica. Dakota turned into a tomato, and hid her face in Sirius' chest while he held her close, but chuckled at their friends. They continued to walk to the common room where you would celebrate with a game of Truth or Dare. Sev and Safrina were allowed in nowadays because the Fat Lady is so used to seeing them.

James clapped Sirius on the back. "Finally! We could not handle the tension here!" he said, and they both chuckled. Then, James bounded over to Lily, and they led the way. Sirius looked down at Dakota, and they smiled at each other before looking at their friends. "I hope Safrina and Sev get together. I love Sev, but I just don't think he's ment to be with her" Dakota said quietly, and Sirius nodded. "Yeah. I'm honestly rooting for Safrina. I mean, do you see the way she looks at him?" he asked, until he caught on to what she said. "Wait. You love Severous?" he asked with a glare. "As a friend, geez. He's basically my brother" Dakota defended herself, causing Sirious to settle down. "Okay, goo. Because you're mine" he said into her ear, before they entered the common room.

And Dakota smiled a real smile.

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