Artemis wolf guardians

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Percy was running away from camp, away from Annabeth. He had found her having sex with a son of Ares named Evan. The whole camp had turned against him and the only people that did not forget and ignore him were his father, his uncles, Apollo, Hermes, Artemis, Hestia,Will, Travis and Connor. Thalia and Nico were never at camp anymore and when they were all the campers behaved like angels because they did not want to bring the wrath of a son of Hades and a daughter of Zeus upon themselfs. Ever sense Evan came to camp it had been hell for Percy. Evan had spread roumors about him and soon he had the whole camp wrapped around his little finger. The only campers that he hadn't fooled was Connor and Travis Stoll, sons of Hermes and Will Solstice son of Apollo. The gods that didn't ignore him were Poseidon, Hermes, Apollo and Hestia. He had always liked Hestia, she was like a second mother to him, she would always make him feel better. His father, well he loved his father and he was thankful that he actually cared for him and not just ignored him like how the other gods ignored their children. His didn't know why his uncles were being nice to him for once but he didn't mind it. Apollo and Hermes were always nice to him, well in their own way which meant that if they wanted your help for a prank, you were a friend. Artemis had respected him when he saved her form Atlas and from the moment she understood that he was not like other men.

Right now he didn't know were to go he just knew that he had to get away from Annabeth. He could still see the scene in his head.


Percy walked to the beach, trying to find Annabeth. He had just come back from buying an engagement ring for her because he wanted to propose to her. He had gotten Athena's approval and he was really happy about that so he smiled all the way to the beach. When he got closer he could hear noises that made is heart stop.

"Oh Evan, right there!" A girls voice said and he recognized that voice, he could recognize that voice anywere. Annabeth.

"Yeah you like that baby? You like me fucking you like this huh?" A male voice said and he recognized the voice as Evan Stone, the son of Ares that had ruined his life.

He hid behind a bush on the beach and saw Annabeth without pants or shirt on the ground with Evan ontop of her, naked. He watched in horror when they kissed an then he ran away to his cabin and packed everything that he had into a bag and left the ring and a note ontop of his pillow. The note read "Hope that you are happy Annabeth". Someone was going to find it sometime and when that time came he was not going to be there. Walking out of his cabin he walked right into Will, Connor and Travis making them all fall to the ground. When they got up he noticed their bags.

"Were are you all going?" He asked them and they looked at him before answering.

"We are going with you Perce. We saw that you were running from the beach and well we figured that you were leaving and we want to go with you. Your our friend Percy and we are not letting you go alone" Travis said and Percy looks at him before smiling.

"Thank you guys. Come on, let's get going" He says and then they all began to run.


The four boys suddenly stop when they see a woman standing before them. The woman is wearing a blue dress with black wolves. Her hair is brown and her eyes a comforting green/brown that says "it's ok, everything is going to be ok". The four boys looks at her and she smiles at them.

"What are you boys doing here at a time like this?" She asks. Will, Travis and Connor look at Percy and he sighs.

"Well we are running away from camp because everyone hates me there" He answers her and the other boys are confused as to why he told a stranger the truth.

The woman looks at Percy and then begins to walk forward and brings him into a warm hug which he returns. The woman had seen the tears in his eyes and she could not stand seeing such a wonderful boy cry.

"It's ok sweaty, it's not your fault. If they do not like you then it's their loss" She says while beginning to walk with him still in her arms. Percy looks up at her and sees the motherly smile that she is giving him.

"Thank you" He says while smiling sadly at her. She smiles back and ceeps walking.

The other boys are walking behind them, knowing that if the woman has Percy's trust then she had theirs as well. They walked into a little camp and the woman sat Percy and his friends down next to the fire that she had made.

"Now I think that you all want's to know who I am?" She says and the boys nod.

"Well my name is Serena and I find boys who are destined to be wolfs" At the confused looks she was reciving she continued

"They are born demigods but somone have done something to them making them need a friend that understands just what they feel, that's when the wolf is born in you and I can feel the wolf in all of you. Now what caused you boys to leave your home?" She ask and Percy sighs sadly

"Well I found my girlfriend having sex on the beach with a son of Ares named Evan, I was going to propose to her but..." He says and the boys look at him in shock of that.

"SHE DID WHAT!?" Travis and Connor yelled in shock.

"Yeah that's why I left" Percy says and Will walks up to him and puts an arm around his shouders and pulls him into him making him lean on his shoulder. Percy snuggles up into Will and Will smiles down at him.

"Well I left becuse my siblings started calling me useless and a coward" He says and Percy hugs his side in comfort making him smile. Serena looks at the two and her eyes suddenly becomes bright purple and after a few seconds they are back to normal. She smiles at the boys and looks at Will and Percy

"You two are mates, you know that right?" She asks making Will and Percy stare at her in confusison.

"Mates is when two wolves share a soul, it's extreamly rare but if one of you is hurt the other knows it. The other can feel it like it's their own pain. To put it simply, they share feelings" She explained.

She sees that they still are confused so she grabs Percy's hand and put's it over the flames. He screams out in surprise and pain. Will growls and brings his own hand to his chest feeling the same pain that Percy feels. Serena let's go of Percy's hand and it heals instantly. Travis and Connor, who had sat silently now feel the need to say something.

"What the actuall fuck!?" They say at the same time. They look at etch other and begins to laugh.

Will and Percy just stares at them like they are mad before joining them in laughter. Meanwhile Serena looks at them with pride and love. Pride because they are a real family and can laugh at eatch other and love because she feels like they are her own son's.

"Now boys, you four are a pack. Percy you are the alpha, meaning leader of the pack and right now i'm going to contact Artemis because she has four new guardians" Serena says making them all stare at her.

"Ok hold on. You want to send us, four boys, to a camp with girls who hates men and are more then happy to kill us on sight?" Percy asks.

"Yes that is what i'm saying. Plus she alredy likes you and as long as you do not flirt with her hunters she is fine with it" Serena says.

"And how do you know that?" Will asks. Serena chuckles at him but before she can answer Percy does.

"She is right behind us guys" He says making the other three turn aroud. And there, standing in the forest, is the mother of the hunt, Lady Artemis, smiling at her four new guardians.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08, 2014 ⏰

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