Tears: Part one

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There was a girl who cried
Her tears never ended
She was a hypocrite
Who everyone befriended

She had big dreams
But her cries
Held her back
Her tears keep her restrained

Every time she opens her mouth
No words come out
Because no one ever listens

Her cries can never be heard
Her tears can never be seen
Because she keeps them hidden.


Yes I wrote this poem and a lot more this poem is really long so the rest will be divided into two parts. Please if you read this try to make my book noticed by voting and commenting I was actually going to delete this until I saw that someone had voted on it and that was what motivated me to write this chapter. This poem is dedicated to all those who need a shoulder to cry on. AND to those who voted.

PS. It meant a lot.

-Ked. Imange

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