Airplane || Min Yoongi

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Dedicated to ambee_unicorn_
Thank you for requesting this! I had tons of fun while writing it!

You settled yourself down on the airplane seats as you looked out of the window, silently wishing England goodbye as you were leaving for South Korea.
You were finally going home.
You were studying in England and you were homesick and missed Korea so much that you bought a ticket back in the holidays. Sighing as the plane started to accend, you unwrapped the clear plastic wrapper that held the headphones provided by the airplane and plugged it in. You wanted to sleep, with music that you understood, music that you felt more comfortable with. The first thing that came up after pressing the 'Music' icon was BTS's Rain. You closed your eyes slightly as you got absorbed in the music.
It felt like hours passed before you were awoken by a light tap on your shoulder. Opening your eyes sleepily, you turned towards the source of the tapping and took off your headphones.
" What is it that's so important that you had to wake me up? Is the plane landing? No," you frowned irritatedly.
The person laughed.
" Sorry, but is there no one sitting beside you?" The person asked politely, in a heavily accented english. You rubbed your eyes, still annoyed.
He sounded korean. But who was he? You couldn't see his features as the plane was dark.
You sighed and tried to put on a smile.
"Ah... Yeah there's no one. You're free to sit there if you want," you replied, still sleepy. He nodded his head, and cautiously took a seat beside you.
You couldn't help but notice how good he smelled.
That just removed all the sleepiness you had previously.
Who was this person?
He took out his phone and unlocked his phone. His screen's bright lighting lit up his features. His soft, mint green hair and his face came to focus. This person... You've only seen him through your phone and laptop screen...
It can't be...
"M-Min Yoongi!?"
You hands flew up to your mouth in shock.
He looked so much better in real life.
You thought that you could faint.
He looked up from his phone screen to you and gave you a cheeky smile.
"Ah... So you've recognized me?" He smiled and turned to the seats behind us and used his phone to reveal two sleeping figures.
"N-Namjoon and Hoseok oppa!?"
You quickly turned back and faced the monitor in front of you.
"You're really lucky I woke you up from your sleep," Suga chuckled to himself, as if he was amused with your surprise.
You nodded your head rapidly, heart beating quickly.

Ah... She was so cute. Her (H/C) hair fell onto her shoulders at just the right places and the fact that she was irritated at me who woke her up from her sleep was really cute.
She reminded me of me.
"I-I can't believe..." She trailed off, face looking so shocked. "I'm not a big fan of you guys but..." She shook her head and stared at me in wonder. I laughed. "Well you should be. We make great music, you know," I told her, playfully pouting. Her eyes went wide again before she muttered to herself to take a deep breath. "What's your name? You know mine already but I don't know yours," I asked while winking at her. "Oh my God... Yoongi wants to know my name..." She looked so shocked and embarrassed that she went slightly red. "U-Uh... I'm (Y/N)... Oh my God I can't believe this..." she stuttered, turning away from me. Well I certainly wasn't going to sleep on this trip back to Korea...

You felt like dying on the inside.
I would like to thank God for letting me meet Suga I think I'm dying
" Let's grab a midnight snack," Yoongi said as he pressed the button for the stewardess to come with the tray. She came almost immediately.
"Hi sir. How can I help you?" She smiled brightly.
Hopefully she doesn't notice who he is...
She did not. Not even when Suga asked her for the snacks. Or when she brought the usual array of snacks on the silver trolley. You breathed in relief as he picked out snacks. " What do you want, (Y/N)?" Suga looked at you, eyebrows raised in question.
"Um... A-Anything you're taking..." You said shyly. "Anything?" He raised his eyebrow. You nodded. You weren't picky over your food. "Okay. Got it." and he ordered his meal. " So... What do you like about BTS?" Suga asked curiously. "Hm... I like their... I mean your music... and how you guys can pull off amazing choreography that matches the music so well..." You replied slowly.
He wasn't satisfied with your answer.
Being a honest person, you couldn't hide the fact that you liked Suga.
"Um..." You started, blushing a little, "I also l-like... You..."
"Hmmmm me or my rapping?"
At this time the lady with the tray came back with the snacks Suga ordered. (Thankfully... As it was starting to get awkward...)
"Are both of you a couple? You look like you are! Please enjoy our flight!" She smiled warmly at us.
Our eyes met.
"C-Couple?" You could feel your face heating up.
Suga chuckled.
"Yeah we're a couple right, (Y/N)," and he turned to the air stewardess, "Thank you, and we will enjoy the flight."
After she left, you looked at Suga in bewilderment.
"W-What couple? Oh my God... Min Yoongi yah! What are you doing?"
"Well... You're cute. You should be happy I even said that," and he made a puppy face.
"Min Yoongi! Stop! Stop trying to win me over with that face... It's n-not working!" You tried to harden your heart against this... But your heart was somewhere else...
I mean... He's good looking... He raps well... He can dance better than most people... And his personality was the kind of personality I want... For a boyfriend...
"I hate my brain for thinking of these thoughts," You said as you shook your head in disapproval of these thoughts.
"You're blushing now," Suga looked at you in amusement.
I AM!?
"Oh my God I am so embarrassed right now don't talk to me Suga," You turned from him to the screen and monitor in front of you..
"Awww come on... That's not the right way to treat this world known rapper right?" He tried to make you turn around to face him by offering you some coke.
Screw you for making me want to turn around
You wanted to turn around so badly because... He's Min Yoongi... You couldn't stop looking at him. But you didn't. You tried to immagine that there was no one beside you.
"Don't you want to know why we aren't taking first class seats?"
That piqued your interest. You immediately turned around and cocked you head to the side in confusion.
"I know how to capture your attention now (y/n)..." He smirked playfully. You felt your face heating up again.
How could a girl resist that?
"W-Well..." You tried to direct his attention somewhere else. "T-Thats n-not the point... You haven't told me why you guys are taking Economy class..."
He sipped his cup of coke before answering his question.
"We... Our private flight back got canceled and... Well we couldn't take any other planes as all the rest were full. There wasn't any first class seats left for us. So we decided to try the Economy class ones. It's been a long time since we've taken the Economy class."
You nodded your head, digesting what he just said.
"Are you enjoying it then?"
"Hmmmm... At first I was going to sleep but this beautiful girl beside me kept me awake... I am enjoying it though..."
You tried your best to stop the blush that was creeping up your cheeks by rolling your eyes unsuccessfully.
"I think it's cute how you're always blushing," He winked at you, causing you to blush again.
Is this the side of Suga that no one's ever seen before?
He was so flirty and cute that you wanted to kill yourself on the plane.
You never knew that badass, swaggy Suga had this side of him that made you want to melt and die.
"Hyung... You've found yourself a new girlfriend, " A smug voice from the seats behind us rang out.
I whipped around. Namjoon and Jimin were awake. So awake that it seemed as if they heard most of the conversation you had with Suga.
"Shit..." You muttered to yourself, mentally facepalming.
"Hyung! Finally you woke up... This is (Y/n)," he said calmly, as if Namjoon didn't comment on his relationship with me.
"Oh? (Y/n) nice to meet you! I think you know who I am already..."
"I can't believe I'm speaking to Jimin, but hi..." You said awkwardly.
"You seem... Nice... I think Hyung made a great choice," Jimin said while winking at Suga.
"Agreed lol," Rap Mon said in English.
"Jimin, You got no jams..." Rang out front the seat in front of you and Suga.
"Oi! Who played that!?" Jimin said, jokingly angry.
A head appeared on top of the seat in front of me you.
"Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~" J Hope waved his phone in greeting.
"We should invite her to our studio to watch us practice~" V popped out from nowhere.
"Jungkook and Jin are at the other side of the plane... If only..." said V, who looked... Wistfully? At the other end of the plane.
Suddenly most of the lights switched on.
"We are reaching South Korea! Please buckle your seat belts properly!" The intercom announced. I noticed that Suga was a little flustered at this. He then turned around and spoke to Rap Mon in hushed tones. Rap Mon started nodding. Suga turned around and looked at you, his eyes serious.
"(Y/N). The moment we leave the plane, the security guards are going to guard us. We're going to wear masks and sunglasses, and we're not allowed to communicate with anyone to protect our identity." Yoongi then grabbed your arm and took out a permanent marker. "What are you doing??? Are you going to draw something?" You asked him, slightly worried about what he would do with your arm. He didn't answer, but proceeded to take off the cap of the permanent marker.
"Yah Min Yoongi!"
In neat, clean Korean Hangeul he wrote out his name, and underneath it he wrote out a number and an email address.
He's entrusting me with this?? Do you know what could happen if you randomly have it out?
"I... I trust that you'll never spread this to anyone?" He looked at you, eyes half questioning.
You felt so touched...
You decided to do something. You leaned near him and hugged him.
You laughed to yourself as the rest of the members 'Awwed' both of you.
"I would... I would never. I won't ever do anything to harm you. I will never ever give this out. Nor talk to anyone about what happened in this very flight. Thank you... For making me feel special..." You said, while hugging him and breathing in his amazing scent.
"I knew I could trust you," and he smiled one of his rare smiles.

The moment you left the plane and the airport, you knew this flight was special. It had changed your life. Forever.

Thank you so much for reading this!! I hope its satisfactory and adorable!! I tried my best to make Suga Suga but it's hard to make a cute Suga one shot 😂
Don't ask me why the flight was so short AHAHAHA
K request more and vote for my book by pressing on the star icon (AHAHAH)
I'm publishing another book soon about Taehyung!! Look forward to it lol~

<This has been one of the longest chapters I've ever written>


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2017 ⏰

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