"Huh!...Huh!....Huh! I couldnt see where i was going, it was pitch black, i could hardly see my hand in front of my face. Several times i have tripped, but i had to keep going, i couldnt stop, they couldnt catch up with me! I'm out of ammunition, and you cant do a lot with two unloaded 9 mm. The only other weapon i had was a smile survival knife. It would do virtually no good againsnt a whole pack of them..... three is pretty much my limit, but seven? chance in hell.
Chapter One
If you're reading this because you think it is fiction, great read on, i envy you for your innocent stupidity for the world that is paralell to yours. Have you ever wondered why there always missing persons reports that people overlook?... Why one day someone just drives by the remains of abody and go about their marry little way?... Have you ever had this sinking feeling in your gut when your watching the news that the wrong person is being convicted of murder? Thats because they are, they didnt brutally kill their child, but someone, or should i say something did...Well i would love to tell you that someone was a bad person or just had rotten luck, but im afraid i might have to "spill the beans" as your kind says. the truth is, vampires, werewolves.......arent just in your oldies black and white chiller movies, they are in your society, your neighbors home, maybe even your childs school. They are everywhere and you just dont realize it......O I know what your thinking, "this guy is a nut, or "he is just trying to write a good book". Well your wrong, your dead wrong.... If someone told you that I was a normal person, and that i didnt have a care in the world, somebody lied. I wish i was, hell i wish the whole world was, that would make my job ten fucking times easier. But leave it to time to fuck everything up! My job, or part in this story is not very important, but it means everything, I am a dealer, a sort of a mess cleaner should you say, and no not when you spill grape soda all over your moms fine rug! (God i hate calls like that) No its way better then that. I do all of the dirty work nobody else can do (or wants to do as a matter of fact) like if you dont pay your rent or you sleep with the wrong person's wife, or if you look at the wrong person the wrong way. You better pray to whatever God's you worship because i dont fuck around! I will blow your Damn head off! could say i like my job.......heres my story...
Chapter Two
Vampires.......that word in my opinion is overused. Take a young trick-r-treater for example; he asks his friend, "what are you gonna be for halloween?" His friend says "spiderman!" and he says "wow cool! Im gonna be a vampire!"......Bitch! I say you dont know the meaning of that word, they are truly the ultimate predator, they have virtually no weaknesses, all the garlic and sunlight shit is crap, humans made it all up so they thought they actually stand a chance. they dont go out in the day becuase of various reasons, they want to stay isolated, humans cant see them feed, the sunlight hurts their eyes, they are nocturnal. They feed on blood, mostly human, it has the electrolytes the need to survive but they can live off the blood of animals also. A vampire hungry enough will go out in the middle of the day, reach a highly populated area and reak havoc, killing everything in sight. They are some freaking mother fuckers and hard as hell to kill. ......Yeah i have seen them, i guess you could even say that i associate with them. My name is Nathan, i am a dealer and these are a record of my past experiances.......and no this isnt a Diary!
Chapter Two: part two
Looking down over the city for any signs of irregular activity. the moon cast a faint glow over the city streets, and with the illumination from the street lamps everything is visible to my highly evoloved eyes. Nothing can hide from my impending gaze....Wait! something is happening. Someone is sprinting....more like hurriedly walking, he frequently but cautiously looks behind his shoulder as to not draw attention to himself......there they are, i see them now, five, tall muscular, but also pale and hungry looking men were following him (like jackals almost). the man, not caring now, broke into a run. while one of the pursuers yanked a side mirror completely off of a nearby parked car. throwing it at the man. It hit its target with dead accuracy, right between the shoulder blades. with a sickening crunch he crumpled to the floor. another one of the men, tore at a telephone pole, breaking it into pieces, giving one to each of his "buddies" except one (weird). The one that didnt get a piece didnt need one, he was obviously the leader of the pack of mongrels. He appeared to be about seven feet in hight, muscular, broad shouldered, blackened dread-locks past his shoulders. he had a ripper sleeveless white t-shirt with a blood stain around the collar, faded and torn blue jeans and appeared to be wearing blue air jordans. He stood by as the others advanced on the poor bastard and proceeded to beat the hell out of him. The civilians started screaming and evacuated the area, i take that as my que and jump.........i land right in the midst of them "well hello ladies, but i do believe it is my turn now" i said. "what the hell?" one said as i took at my two 9 mm pistols. as one approached me, i abruptly brought my left gun to his throat and pulled the trigger, the shot automatically severing the top of his spine and blew his wind pipe, adams apple and trachea to bits, blood covering everything within a six foot radius, this is why i like my job. "you know what? im feeling the mood to get down and dirty, lets get out my baby!" i tossed my pistols and trench coat to the side as i removed a three and a half foot saricross blade from my side (saricross means devils metal in vampirian). "perfect for butchering little bitches like yourselves". In two swift fluid motions i removed ones head and the right arm up to the elbow of another, he growled and took a snap at my hand, i lept back and stabbed him through the temple. another charged me from behind and wrapped me in a bear hug, pinning my arms to my side, i am forced to drop my sword. I swung my heel into his groin, he dropped me, i kicked him in the knee, as he landed, i chopped him in the throat, stealing his air, he hunched over sucking for oxygen and i brought my foot up and kicked the back of his head, sending it karoding into the pavement with a splatter of blood. The leader charged at me, i rolled out of his way while taking my shotgun off of my back, as he turned to face me for another charge, i let loose two quick rounds right into his midsection, he still staggered forward, i let loose a third shot, a brutal look transfixed across his menacing, scarred face, he hit the ground with a thud.
Chapter Two: part three
My work still wasnt over, I looked over what was left of the bodies, they seem to be Frenibes Wolinivus. or former werewolves. the were subject to torture, they are...or were failed lab experiments. they were given a surppresor vaccine to halt their mutating genes, unable to ever take wolf form again, they were an abomination to nature even more so now, given a performence enhancing drug, they are likely as dangerous but not as brutal as the real thing. something to watch out for in the future. i need to look for that lab. looking of the scene with mock pride; i saw that the victim was still somewhat alive. this is the part of the job i hate the most. i walked over to him while sheathing my sword and dawning my trench coat; i raised my pistol towards him, the terrified look on his face almost made me show mercy.......almost. "No survivers, no witnesses, even if they are innocent" i pulled the trigger......dropped the device on his chest and walked away, i was so wrapped up in my thoughts i wasnt even fully aware i detonated it and destroyed all evidence of the supernatural.......
The Chronicles of Nathaniel Jacobson
FantasyLittle over four-thosand years can change someone...but thats not the real problem for nathaniel jacobson. in a dank, small town full of nobody's. it just happened to be where he was camping out at the moment, but it turned into more then that when...