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when they're yanderes.

a bit violent , so if you're not comfortable , i'd advise that you don't read this chapter.

taeyong : your mafia! boyfriend

taeyong: why were you with him?

taeyong: you know i don't like when you're with boys . .

you: jaehyun's my best friend , taeyong

you: plus you introduced me to him as well

taeyong: you don't need a best friend

taeyong: you have me

you: yea but i need some friends . .

taeyong: i'm the only one you need in your life

you: okay , that sounds a bit absurd

you: you don't control my life

taeyong: i'm warning you

taeyong: if i see you with anybody else

taeyong: i'm going to lock you up for days.

you: you can't do that!

taeyong: tch

taeyong: you're mine

taeyong: of course i can

you thought he was joking when he told you that , but when he saw you hanging out with chittaphon. let's just say he kept his word.

youngho : your best friend

youngho: where are you hiding y/n :(

youngho: i just want to talk to you . .

youngho: . . you don't like staying with me?

youngho: i just love you a lot :)

youngho: that's why i'm doing this

youngho: i know chittaphon helped you sweetheart

youngho: it's such a shame that my own best friend had to be disposed of . .

you: what did you do to him?!

youngho: oh look , you finally replied to me

you: where is he youngho??

youngho: chittaphon's not here anymore

you: what!

youngho: now you can't leave me

you: you . .you're crazy!

youngho: you can't open the doors

youngho: they're lock

youngho: it's pointless trying to break down the door :-)

you: let me go youngho

youngho: why would i do that?

youngho: you'll leave me . .

you: that's the point

youngho: look , if you come back to me

youngho: i won't punish you . .

youngho: that bad

youngho: isn't that easier?

taeil : your friend

taeil: hi

you: hi . . ?

taeil: . . . nevermind

sure he was possesive when it came to you , but he didn't want to ruin your happiness. so he stayed away from the thought of making you his , and only his. but he did make sure nobody came up to you.

yuta : your bully..?

yuta: y/n , you're not allowed to be with anyone

you: excuse me?

you: when do i listen to bullies like you?

yuta: aww it's cute that you think you have a choice

you: please stop talking to me yuta

yuta: no can do

yuta: why would i want to stop talking to the love of my life :(?

you: ahaha . . you must be joking

yuta: do i need to show you? ;)

yuta: cause i got a perfect way to show you

you: no thanks

you: even if i did like you , i wouldn't date somebody like you

you: hell , you made fun of me and embarassed me

yuta: . . . i didn't want to do this

you: what?

yuta: you'll see.

you didn't know what yuta had in plan , so you skipped school the next day to avoid him. there was no texts from him and you silently cheered by yourself and went to bed.

while you were sleeping , a figure carried your unconsious body and fled through the night. you weren't seen after that day . . well ever.

dongyoung : your admirer

dongyoung: hi y/n

you: who are you

dongyoung: someone ;)

*y/n blocked the number*

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