Chapter 2

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After a little hesitation I run towards the bushes and pull them back with my hand. They recoil at my hand. I look at them closely with my round eyes. Zutec seemed to notice the moving plants as well. Sylwanin turned and laughed,

"If you think that's amazing then you should look ahead."

Slowly Zutec turned his head and tapped me on my shoulder. He muttered,

"You've gotta see this..."

Before her stood a beautiful pool, a pool glimmering with lights. Branches that seemed like willows hung over them, long tendrils of light descending setting a reflection into the glimmer pool. Ninat couldn't help but guffaw at this intense beauty.

"You should see your faces!"  Laughed Sylwanin hysterically. 

Zutec finally spoke.

"So this isn't earth?"

"You really know nothing do you?" She questioned in disbelief.

"It's not everyday you get tossed into a strange and unfamiliar world and have this person on-top of a horse-like creature guide you round and plants move away at the touch of your hand!" Ninat shouted. She hadn't shouted before at Sylwanin. Sylwanin simply apologised and explained that this world was named Pandora, an earth-like planet with the indigenous called Na'vi. There bodies are made up of human and Na'vi DNA. Zutec and Ninat were nodding encouragingly at these words.

"Can we contact the indig-" Zutec asked before bein interrupted by Sylwanin.

"No. That is against the trial rules. No contact to be made with the indigenous."

"But aren't you?-"

"Yes, I'm the only pure Na'vi allowed here."

Zutec and Ninat looked Sylwanin up and down again. Nothing different about her.

"Kinda creepy how they can make an exact replica." She muttered again. She shook her head and commanded, "We have to go now, to Base Camp." Ninat and Zutec looked at each other and almost simultaneously questioned,

"Base Camp?"

"Where else are you gonna stay?" She smirked. She kicked her mount's side and it raced off. Zutec reached for Ninat's teal hand and practically dragged her running, Ninat overtook him and laughed. Zutec smiled at her, his teeth were white and a few were pointed. Ninat just laughed and dragged him more until they skidded to a halt. Dirt flew up and Sylwanin almost got covered.

"Watch it!" She scolded.

"Sorry" They muttered, giggling.

"Well, this is Base Camp" She announced waving her hand towards it.

Base Camp stuck out like a sore thumb. It was made of iron and steel. It seemed to be an old run-down cargo carrier. The lights were on.

"This is where I leave you. It's pretty clear from here on in. You'll slowly remember more information."

Zutec looked sad to see her go. Ninat just hugged Sylwanin. Sylwanin was shocked at the hug but embraced it.She's become attached to this sarcastic Na'vi.

"I'm gonna miss you." She whispered.

"You'll manage." Was all she said before taking her mount and walking away into the trees.

"It's called a Pa'li by the way" She said, gesturing to her mount.

"It is very beautiful." Ninat managed to mutter. But Sylwanin was already gone.

Zutec turned to Ninat, he hugged her tight. His strong arms wrapped around her middle.

"It'll be okay. I'll help you. We can get through this together." He said encouragingly.

"Okay, I trust you." She whispered.

He took her hand and led her inside Base Camp. The lights whirred with electricity as they walked in. The room was slightly chilled and offered shade from the intense humidity outside. The both of them looked around with their amber-yellow eyes.

"So they can give us this but toss us into a jungle. This place becomes more confusing by the minute..." Murmured Zutec, breaking the silence. 

"I know what you mean..."

Zutec looked over at the fridge and opened the door to see an array of fruits he had never seen before. Picking and tossing one up he turned around,

"Hey look at these!"

Ninat walked over. She took a fruit from his palm and bit into it ravenously, forgetting how hungry she was. Zutec watched her laughing, then took a bite from his own fruit.

Ninat's eyes turned to slits. Dropping the fruit her ears went down and around. Ninat was confused, the world spinning. Then a stream of pictures and memories came back to her. How to do things in the Jungle. She saw flashes of these dragon-like creatures named Toruks.

Next thing she knew she was laying on a bed,a lumpy mattress digging into her back

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Next thing she knew she was laying on a bed,a lumpy mattress digging into her back. Her eyes blinked for a while, trying to let her eyes adjust. Laying on the floor was Zutec, he was unconscious and he had blood dripping from his head. Ninat sprang up heaving up Zutec, she dragged him onto the bed and looked for something to stop the bleeding. She founds some tattered sheets and bandaged them to his head. She sat at his side, stroking his hair until he woke up.

Not soon after he opened his round yellow eyes. She stopped stroking his hair. He blinked over and over again to clear his vision. Zutec bombarded her with many questions but the only one she could make out was;

"Did the same happen to you?"

Ninat put her finger to his lips and answered;

"Yes, I did if you're talking about gaining all that knowledge."

He lightly nodded his head and she removed her finger. He raised his hand to her face and touched the right side of her head. She didn't swat it away, instead she put her left hand over his right and nuzzled into the right hand. She leaned down and he moved forwards their lips touched, Zutec's was cool whilst Ninat's were warm and soft. They touched they're flattened noses together. and closed they're eyes and purely felt each other's presence. Ninat smiled her bright white teeth and Zutec did the same.

Chapter End to be continued...

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