Chapter 63

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You've just woken up and dragged yourself out of bed with only a minor hangover.

Kelvin however...

"Oh my god there's puke everywhere!" You jump back after accidentally stepping in a puddle of Kelvin's barf, which is right beside his bedroom door, which you then knock on and creak open.

"My head hurts." Kelvin complains as you turn the lights on, allowing you to see every spot where he was sick.

"It's cause you're a major lightweight." You laugh. "Do you want some water?"

"Yes please. How do you not have a hangover?"

"Well, unlike you, I didn't drink a lot. I've learned from my mistakes."

You walk down the hall to get Kelvin some water, then remember that Alex feel asleep in the living room.
Not on the couch though.
Just on the floor.

"Is you awake?" You walk into the living room where Alex is sitting on the couch watching tv and eating cereal.

"Nooo." She says sarcastically.

"I see you helped yourself to Kelvin's cereal."

"Don't tell him I stole it."

"You and Phil are perfect for each other. You're both cereal robbers."

"I'm a better cereal bandit than him. I've never been caught."


"Calm the fuck down Kelvin, I'm getting it!"


After spending all of Saturday accomplishing nothing.
You are now currently on Skype with Dan after watching a horror movie being left home alone.

"I made a little girl cry today." Dan tells you.

"What the fuck did you do?" You ask.

"I was walking down the street swinging my shopping bag and this little girl was walking past and I accidentally hit her right in the face with it." Dan explains.


"Worst part: it had a glass bottle in it and that was the bit that mainly hit her."

"You giant fuckup."

"Yeah... so, are you coming down to London in the holidays or..?"

"I don't know. I kind of want to go somewhere fun. Oh, you should come to! Oh, and bring Phil! Oh, and Alex and Kelvin can come! And we can get Tyler as well and make it like a two week long triple date!"

"Oh my god yes! Where should we go?"

"Oh! North Korea!"

"I can't wait!"

"I'm so excited!" You laugh. "Seriously though, I really do want to go somewhere for the Easter holidays. Aka 'spring break'. A lot of people go away for the holidays at my uni. It's my last year and I still haven't left England."

"You're going somewhere then. I'll make sure of it."

"Are you coming?"

Don't Leave (danisnotonfire x reader)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя