Chapter 10 - Billy continues talking to Ike, Teo, Amanda

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"What the hell you mean?" Ike had been told about the Leska link Billy had with Satasha. It had been the same evening Teo had proven telepathy existed. He couldn't remember if why it had happened had been mentioned. It had been a long time ago and so much crap had happened he could easily have forgotten.

Billy kept looking serious as he was talking, "I will contact the Fijishi and have their doctor talk to yours. They might not have mentioned it while you are still recovering. Too much stress can cause a relapse which is why there are tight restrictions on how much you can work. It was something discovered after Satasha and I had been infected. Currently the information is being kept restricted tightly. They don't want a fear of what it might mean hitting the population of Shola or their colonies. It isn't needed right now knowing there is an enemy out there who attacked without warning, killed everyone aboard what was a fairly heavy combatant, and appears to be hunting for their homeworld."

Teo leaned forwards slightly, "I'll contact them as well. I do have the authority to both request and demand the information. I read a little but once you had been shot things became too busy to look further into it. Thank you for informing us of this Yilly. What can you tell us as an over view?" To the best of her knowledge neither of her companions had any abilities like that.

He grimaced, "That is a very hard question to answer Teo. Long and short it does require both to have even a slight telepathic ability. You might want to have Ike and Amanda tested just to see. If you link female Sholan's lose the ability to control when they get pregnant. We discovered that after Satasha became pregnant. With human females since they are fertile all year around they will eventually get pregnant." He winked at Amanda, he'd heard about her surgery, "You might have the children you have always wanted Mandy."

She flushed and whacked at the screen, "If I wasn't so pleased with your gifts I would ask Ike if he could arrange something horrible for you. Thank you though, the torque's were so beautiful. I have a bodyguard now to keep anyone from trying to steal it." Her guard almost laughed at that.

Billy's expression softened, "I wish I could have had them ready instead of the bracelets but they take time to have made. As far as the cost I have already recovered from the horrible price he charged us. They do look good on both of you." He didn't have one yet since they hadn't officially mated but they were ready. He had to wonder if he might need to have one ordered for Teo.

"Keep me updated on how all three of you're doing. Hugz for all of you and good choice you two. I didn't know Teo long but what I felt of her was solid. Oh, different note, I am now linked with Z'Marl. It happened right after Tasha delivered. The Sholan medical are trying to work on a method of birth control for humans and Sholans. It is going to take some time but it will keep us from popping babies out right and left. I don't mind being a father but I don't feel like having a kit a year for the next however many years."

"Thank you for that information Yilly. If you don't mind we are going to let you go. I have some calls to make and some fur to claw off." Teo wasn't happy with this information being kept from them.


When the officer received the data dump from that pathetic salvage ship she moved it to a secure drive. Once done she opened the folder and started reviewing the information. She was only a few images in before she encrypted everything even though it was on a secure server. Since she was in the intelligence service she was familiar with most of the equipment in space. This wasn't anything she had ever seen or even related to anything. It was about three feet wide and maybe thirty long. Just looking at it she would guess it was a probe of some sort but much smaller than anything in their inventory.

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