Big Day

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"Aren't you happy, Tommy?" Tord sadistically asked his precious Tom.

"Yes, sir, I am." Tom replied in a monotone voice, obviously lying.

"Tommy don't lie to me, I can see that you're not. Why aren't you?" Tord questioned Tom, being serious this time.

"Well, sir, it's very romantic that you invited me to dinner on the top of the ship, but, I prefer not to have your legs attacking mines." Tom explained, pointing down.

"Sorry!" Tord grinned, stopping.

"What can I get you, Red Leader and-" the waiter asked before Tord glared at the waiter, obviously not wanting him to say Tom's name.

"Whatever Tommy's getting I will." Tord smiled, looking at Tom.

"Um, Kjøttkaker?" Tom said, having trouble pronouncing the Norwegian word.

"Good choice! Make it quick, yes?" Tord told the waiter, who quickly walked back to where ever they came from.

There was an awkward silence before Tord decided to put his hand on top of Tom's, startling the other.

"What the-"

"Language, Tom!" Tord scolded him, the other huffing in response, "Yes, sir."

The waiter gave them their food 'n stuff, them eating in awkward silence.

"So Tommy, what would you say, being by my side with all of this?" Tord asked Tom, a shimmer of hope in his eyes, obviously being serious.


"You'd have everything! Edd and Matt will also have any luxury they want, too." Tord exclaimed, adding a point.

Tom took a minute to decide what was best. "Yes."

Tord blinked. "Really?"

"Yes, sir."

"You can stop calling me that now, Tommy." he said, smiling genuinely. Though, Tord could still see that Tom didn't love him deep down. He frowned at that mentally, but kept the "genuine" smile.

"Yes, si- Tord." Tom corrected himself, blushing a bit.

HE'S SO CUTE I'M GOING TO SCREAM. AHHHHHHHH. Tord thought, fanboying in his mind. It wasn't until the waiter came in and took their plates, he realized something.

"Oh, Tommy, you're going to have to wear this from now on," Tord smiled, taking out a extremely shiny (for some reason after being in those pockets for like, what, 3 years?) diamond ring.

Tom looked at it in surprised, and Tord held Tom's hand, slipping the ring into his finger. "Perfect fit!"

I know, it must be surprising that Tom's being so obedient, but, after 3 years of working for Tord he finally learned to respect him. Though, Tord missed the ignorant little cutie, or what he would call "tsundere" in Tom.

"#Red Leader, there seems to be a malfunction in the security cameras. All of them are down.#"

Tord sighed, replying back with, "I'll be there in 5 minutes, call seksjon syv og fortelle dem til å vokte alle dører som er utenfor, seksjon fem vakter innsiden dører. (section seven and tell them to guard all doors that are outside, section five guards the inside doors.)", switching to Norwegian.

"Tord? What's wrong?" Tom asked, panicking a bit.

"Nothing, Tommy. Just, go to the room next to mines." Tord told Tom, smiling, then getting out of his seat and leaving.

-- Tom's P.O.V --

I lay on my massive bed that could fit 7 people, literally. Tord's acting all strange too. One minute he's proposing, the next he leaves! What is wrong with him? At least this place is better than the other one, which was a lot smaller.

I look at my hand and admire the ring. Wait- admire?? No, no, no, I'm not admiring anything that commie gave me! How much did this ring cost? I mean, he's the ruler of the world- well, not exactly, only just Europe, but he's working on it. He's the ruler of the world, so, I think in his price taste it would be "cheap". I try taking it off, but.. it won't come off.

"What?" I mumbled, sitting up trying hard to take the ring off. "Get off you stupid ring!" I murmured in frustration, furrowing my eyebrows. Suddenly, the ring came off, making my ring finger hurt since I've been trying to get it off for a few times now. "What? Is this thing voice command or something?" I asked myself, the ring with a text-to-speech voice replied with a, "Yes.". Huh. This might be useful.

No, I won't try escaping with this ring. I've tried that years ago and.. the punishment was unpleasant. I realized I hadn't took a shower yet, so I go to the bathroom, which was also huge, and set the ring on the sink.

-- Tord's P.O.V --

"HVA?! HVA MENER DU HAN RØMT?! (WHAT?! WHAT DO YOU MEAN HE ESCAPED?!)" I screamed in anger, the security guard flinching. "W-Well, Red Leader, han er et geni mann, så uansett hva, vi kunne ikke ha holdt ham for lenge. (he is a genius man, so no matter what, we couldn't have kept him for long.)" the security guard explained, still nervous.

Jesus Kristus, how did people like this even pass the test? "Pau, Pat, send him down." I commanded the two totally in love gay babies. By sending him down.. you don't want to know. Then I remembered, Tommy! I took out my walkie talkie and said, "Tommy, how are you doing?" in a cheerful tone.

"I just got out of the shower, and please don't have dirty thoughts about that." he replied, making me smirk.

Duh, I'm already have dirty thoughts of Tom å være underdanig! Hopefully most of you don't understand that, because you'll get scarred for life if you find out what I just said. Hentai makes your life worth while.

"#Red Leader, we've had reports on sightings of him going down Hallway 67 and to Hallway 68.#"


-- Tom's P.O.V --

Once I put on my uniform I hear a knock at the door.

"Tord, you know you can just come in?" I shouted.

No answer.

I sigh. "Tord."

No answer.

That's it, I'm just going to open it.

I open it using the breath scanner because Tord had EXTRA security and wouldn't trust a simple hand scanner.

"Hello, Tom."


Yolo, first story, already going into action, and I don't regret SHIT.  Who is the person who escaped????? You'll find out in the next chapter once I get all my shit together and not be lazy.

Also if you get the breath scanner reference I love you.

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