Saving The Damsel

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Prince's POV:

The others must have noticed that I hesitated for a second when I saw Maleficent because they are now by my side, ready to help me defeat the dragon. We were starting Maleficent down and she did the same to us, after a few seconds I charge right at her wielding my sword and shield that I had been carrying the entire time. Suddenly a flash of light blinds me for a few seconds and I see Maleficent is about to breathe fire at me, at the same time I hear someone shout.


'Wait a second... was that... Anxiety?!?' Knowing that the only thing standing between me and Anxiety is a dragon, gives me the determination to win. The others hide right behind me as I put up my shield to block the fire coming right at us, my shield deflects the fire causing it to hit the walls on either side of me. Suddenly a white stallion with black and gray spots appeared by my side to aid me in my quest to save Anxiety. I jump on his back and charge around Maleficent to see a door, on the door was a barred window. Through the window I could see Anxiety, but he looked worried, as I pass the door I winked at him and continued my battle with the dragon.

Anxiety's POV:

I'm glad that Princey was able to deflect the fire, but I still think he's crazy for trying to fight a dragon. Princey gets on the back of a horse and charges at Maleficent again, 'Wait where did he get a horse? Whatever that doesn't matter right now, I'm still worried he's going to get himself killed.' However, instead of attacking the dragon, he runs around her, and he sees me. Once Princey is in front of my door he winks at me, and then returns to his battle with the dragon. I'm glad he turned away because I can feel my face heating up, 'Did he just wink at me?!?' Once I'm finally able to focus again, I see a bunch of thorn bushes appearing all over the room. The thorn bushes started to cover my door, but just before the window on the door was completely covered, I saw Prince looking in my direction with a worried expression. Then the entire room went dark and I could no longer see him, 'I hope he's okay.'

Prince's POV:

I charged at Maleficent, but just before my blade could inflict any damage, thorn bushes appeared and blocked my attack. I looked around to see the room was being covered with them, my eyes landed on Anxiety's door, and I saw it was almost completely covered which caused me to panic. I started swinging my sword to and fro in an effort to cut down the thorn bushes that were preventing me from getting to Anxiety. I finally reached the door when Maleficent appeared blocking my path and she was about to attack me with fire again. Just before she got the chance to, I stabbed her through the heart, and she fell out the window to her death. After she died, the thorn bushes and Maleficent turned into pixie dust, I ran to the door where Anxiety was being held captive. 'Don't worry Anxiety I'm coming!'

Logic's POV:

It wasn't necessary for the Prince to run, Anxiety isn't going anywhere, he'll still be imprisoned in that room when we get there. However, when I look over, I see Morality smiling in the direction that Princey ran off in. For some reason seeing him smile makes me smile, 'What's wrong with me? Why am I reacting this way? Am I sick?'

Thomas's POV:

I thought that it was adorable the way Princey ran to Anxiety, and I could tell Morality though the same because he had a huge smile on his face. When I look at Logic, I see that he's smiling while looking at Morality, I guess that Prinxiety and Logicality have become canon.

Prince's POV:

I threw the door open to come face to face with Anxiety, he seems surprised to see me, I'm just glad that he's okay. I noticed that he had chains around his hands, so I used my sword to cut them off, and then I pulled Anxiety in for a hug.

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