4 | Starting over?

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"Ugh, she's waking up. So ugly, it's a disgrace that I couldn't have a son. I got her instead." Said your mother's nasally high-pitched voice.

"Very true, she'll be put up for adoption soon. I can't wait until this accident-in-action is no longer our problem." The deep voice resonated in your ears again.

You held your breath as best as you could, to appear as unconscious to the current demons hovering over you. They stared at you for a couple seconds, before heading off in different directions to unpack various items. You sat up quietly and gently cradled your arms around your body, sulking over the absence of your other half. Warm, fat tears slipped down your face and onto the tips of your knees, and you watched as it slipped through the cracks of skin.

'I miss her...', You painfully thought, as you unhooked your arms from around your knees.

Tucking a strand of tangled hair behind your ear, you rose from the cold wooden floor, and wandered your way around the house. Searching for a room that could be yours, you walked tiredly into a room. The soft pattering of your feet soon died out, as you let your eyes scan the room, filled with boxes of jewels, lavish clothing, and such. Not very long after you found them, a witch walked in behind you and shrieked.

"OUT OF MY SIGHT YOU INSOLENT LITTLE PEST!", Your "mother" commanded, and you scurried into what looked like a bathroom and locked the door shut. If only you hadn't left Annie behind, then you would be together, locked in an embrace. Your knees came up to your chest, but this time, your arms hung at its sides, and your head laying on the tip of your knees. And you sat there waiting, waiting, waiting for time to just pass by.

Your body began to shrink and get thinner because of the harsh treatment that you went through. Never giving you rest, your ungodly parents worked you to your unknown limits, and it resulted in you getting weaker, and sicker.

But one day, a blessing and a curse, was delivered to your side of the world. It was a rainy afternoon, where your parents have, 6 months later, completely refurnished the house. Expensive, lavish, and fancy furniture decorated the 4-story house, and also probably furnished their ego as well.

"LISTEN BRAT." The nasally high voice of your mother came. "KEEP THIS PLACE CLEAN. BECAUSE WE'LL BE OUT DRINKING, AND RELAXING."

"We're going out, and most definitely away from you." Your father spoke. "Good riddance." And they grabbed their wallets and left. Not knowing of course, that they wouldn't be coming back. Long story short, the booze from their alcoholic evening, turned into a messy disaster on a highway. Ending their worthless lives in an instant. (You can obviously see my bias here xD).

Days passed, and you wondered where your parents had gone, not being able to return. One morning, you woke up from your spot on the surprisingly comfy carpet and went downstairs into the living area. You spotted the television 20 feet away from you and approached it. You pressed the button directly attached to it and saw the light on the screen flicker on. Then you found a spot on one of the plush sofas behind you and took a seat, nuzzling into the material. It truly was comfortable without those demons constantly nagging you. A useless weather report showed up on the television and you went up to grab the remote to change it. After getting back into your spot, you started to flicker through the channels, until a particular channel interested you. The News Channel.

In bold red letters, the sentence 'COUPLE FOUND DEAD IN A CAR ACCIDENT' was read. As the lady was speaking, a small recording of the crime scene was watchable. You sat up straighter, suddenly feeling interested in what the reporter was saying. But soon, the camera zoomed in on the mangled car, making You stare disbelievingly at the people inside.

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