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A new day.

A terrifying new day.

"Mom, have you seen my baby blue skirt?" I asked from the laundry room, skimming trough every piece of clothing.

"No, honey, but I put your yellow one in your room, if you want to wear that," Mom smiled, coming trough the door, to walk past me into the basket of clothing.

"Okay, thank you mommy," I ran up the stairs. Once I had my full oufit on, I ran back downstairs, smelling the aroma bacon and eggs.

I sat down where my plate was, and began munching. My mom came in, and across from me, where Louis yesterday's at during dinner.

"So, how is he?" I drank my orange juice, "is he daddy material?" That's when I choked on my orange juice.

"What?" Wide-eyed, I stared at her.

"Louis -seems like he can a good step dad," she smiled then bit into her toast. I rolled my eyes and got up.

"Mom, he's my teacher," I finished my orange juice, placing the glass in the sink, "that's... awkward."

"Well he won't be your teacher in a few years," she said.

"No, mommy, please," I said, playing with skirt, "no."

"Why not?" my mom frowned, "I'm moving on, Hazza." My mom joined me by the sink, and I was still crossing my arms. "You wanted me to move on."

"I just," I stammered, "n-nevermind, I got to go," I kissed her on the cheek, too fast for her to reply. My mom deserved happiness, more happiness than what I gave her. I knew that. But I'm selfish. I like Louis; yet, I do kind of dislike him for what he did to my mom. Which was making her think he had a thing for her, or even, pretending he had a thing for me. It was confusing.

No boy, well man, has ever made me confused. That meant something. It meant everything.

"Harry!" was the last thing I heard my mom say before I shut the screen door.

"So what happened?" Niall whispered. The hallway was quiet, only a few students here and there, but other than that, it was pure small buzzing and silence.

"Nothing, just -dinner. The usual chit chat." I said cutting the conversation short, but not forgetting to weakly smile.

"You okay, Harry?" he asked, frowning. Honestly, I wasn't. I just wasn't.

"Yeah, don't worry," I waved, "I actually got to go, but I'll call you later, Ni." He waved back confusedly and a hurt expression displayed on his face. I knew he was my friend, but I also knew that the chances of him leaving me were high if he were to find out how I felt. I had to leave.

I hated this. This teacher has made me a jumbled mess of covers and cloaks, and I was so nervous, yet confused. Louis made me jealous of my own mother, made me feel scared to lose someone, and most of all, made me feel like I lost my identity.

When his leg rose on mine at dinner, I knew I had to stop it. I knew my mother would've killed him, and maybe me, if she were to find out. I struggled with myself the whole time, but this voice kept repeating: "You're okay, this is okay." But it felt more than that. I felt special. Like I was this rose and Louis' eyes were the sunshine that supported me and made me blossomed. It was like that. And in all faith to the universe; I beg of you, with my stubbornness, I didn't want it to end. I didn't want Louis to end. Neither of us to end. To shrill.

That's when my thoughts stopped, and so did my footsteps.

I knocked at least three times at the door in front of me, and my nerves suddenly became friends adrenaline. The door opened a great amount and Louis soon came out the frame of the doorway. Dressed in all black, his clothing emphasized my pastel outfit. I felt like this whole picture had a deeper meaning, but I didn't dwell on it.

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