Chapter 1

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"You can't do anything right! You're such a fucking idiot! When will you ever fucking learn to just get your fucking shit together and not be such a fucking dumbass for once in your life?!"


For the millionth time in her life, Scarlett was listening to her asshole of a father making nasty comments and yelling at her mother.

From the top of the stairs, she sat quietly, making not even the slightest sound, knowing that if he knew she was listening to what he was saying, things would get a whole lot worse for everyone involved.

The sound of her mom crying in the living room, as her father abused her with his words, made her heart ache. Her mom didn't deserve this. She did everything right. She tried her best to be honest, and kind, and she always weighed her words carefully before speaking as to not upset her husband. No matter what she did though, he would always make a scene.

To anyone else it was obvious he didn't care about her or love her, but she believed with her whole heart that he had to. She believed he was a different man and that this was just one of his flaws. One of those things where he just didn't understand. The thing was that she loved him. And like everyone knows, love makes you blind. It really, really does.

She couldn't see what he was doing. She couldn't see that he was torturing her, mentally abusing her. He didn't care about her, he just liked to use her. Everyone else could see it, but she could just never believe it.

As Scarlett sat there, she felt the stinging behind her eyes, as she began to cry. She tried to hold on the tears, not ready to let them loose.

She had been scolded many, many times by her father for crying. Whenever he would get angry, especially when it was directed at her, she would completely lose it. She would cry like there was no tomorrow. And this would just set him off, making him even angrier than he had already been. He had taught her that it was not okay for her to cry. That the only people who could cry, and get away with it, were babies. And that if she wanted to cry, he would take her to a baby store, buy her a crib, and let her be a baby. According to him, crying was only for the weak, and, of course, he couldn't let anyone in his family be weak.


Scarlett hated him. She had hated him for years. She looked forward to everyday that brought her closer to her 18th birthday. She knew the day she turned 18, she could leave. She could let go of everyone that was holding her back and finally be free. She couldn't wait. Just thinking about the day sent her mind into a world of happiness. She would dream and imagine a life where she was no longer boggled down by the man who haunted her nightmares. But as for right now, she still had a bit of a wait ahead of her. Only being 16 years old, she had another 2 years before she could get the hell out of the town and house she hated so much.


As she continued to listen to her father's yelling and her mother's begging and pleading, trying to calm him, but only worsening things, Scarlett felt as though she was completely alone.

Remembering the one person she knew would always be there for her, she jumped up and ran to the bedroom, where she knew he'd be.
As she got to the door, she lost all confidence that he cared about her at all. Sometimes it seemed as though he didn't. She knew he also couldn't wait till his 18th birthday, but he only had 3 months left and then he'd be gone.

She stood at his door trying to regain the confidence she'd had only moments before. Finally, gaining a little of her courage back, she knocked lightly on the white, wooden door with no ornaments of signs hanging on it.

From inside she heard a loud, deep groan. Knowing him, he was probably sleeping. It's all her ever did. She knocked again, louder this time. She heard the deep groan again. But this time it was followed by a voice, one she knew was his. The voice that could always calm her winding nerves.

"Whaaat?!" the voice yelled groggily, obviously annoyed at whoever was disturbing his nap.

"Noah?" Scarlett asked trying to stay quiet as to not let her parents hear her voice. "Mom and Dad are fighting."

"So what?" He asked in response, not at all surprised that they were arguing. It was a normal part of the day. In all honesty, it would be weird if they didn't fight. And when I say fight, I mean, their dad yelling at their mom for one of her unbelievable mistakes, not realizing that she was human and made mistakes.

"So.... can I come in?" Scarlett asked, already knowing the answer, but hoping he would say something different.

"No." He replied sternly. "Now go away." He added, putting a close to the conversation they'd had through the door.

"Bye" she replied quietly, knowing he was probably already asleep, not caring about what was going on in the rest of the house.


She walked into her room, which was right next to his, closed the door tightly behind herself, and sat down on her bed. Her room was an unusually bright pink color, which she hated but wasn't allowed to change. She had made due by covering the walls in posters of her favorite bands, signed pictures from meet and greets with her favorite dancers, and of course the largest one, her 'The Fault In Our Stars' movie poster. That was one of her favorite movies.

Covering one complete wall, were over 100 quotes she had gotten of the internet, from friends, or made up herself. The quotes weren't all on one topic; they mostly varied. A few about lost love, a few inspirational ones, and even a few about dance.

That was her favorite wall in the whole house. It made her feel worth something when she looked at it. She was always adding to it. Writing down more and more quotes everyday and tapeing them to her wall. She never felt more included than when she read those quotes knowing somewhere out there someone must have felt the same way she did, because they wrote her feelings out so well.

A sudden crash from downstairs interrupted her thinking and made her jump.

She got up from her bed, walking back to her door and very quietly opening it up.

She heard the yells as soon as it was open. Her dad had thrown something at her mom and it had fell to the floor, breaking when it hit the hard kitchen tile.

Closing the door once again, she looked to the clock on her night stand. It read 7:30pm. And she thought to herself how long a night this would be, glad it was the weekend, because she knew she wasn't getting any sleep tonight.

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