19 1 1

Sans teleported to an empty place in the middle of nowhere.
The shadowy girl was in the corner of the room.
He wasn't surprised.

Chara's POV

He walked closer.I flinched I was scared of HIM but..His brother i LOVED.He stepped closer and closer.I wanted to RESET but Frisk had my soul.My black empty..Soul..

Sans POV
I didn't know we're I was but then.
I heard HER whimperi- no crying I flinched and backed up shocked what I have seen.She stood turned around and walked.Not in my direction but a skeletons.
It was Papyrus?No it was a replica.

POV no

He teleported right behind HER.
"What is this place Brat?"
He's called frisk that when SHE was controlling her body.
But at this point​ she couldn't hear him she was to..


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28, 2017 ⏰

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