7. I'm Done

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I feel myself being lowered to the ground and taken out of my restraints. Arms lift me towards a warm chest, I snuggle into it. Happy to be safe again. I look up to see whose chest I'm snuggling into. What the? The person who I'm snuggling is not Archer but Bryce. I still don't know why he's here.

"It's ok, I got you," he whispers to me. I'm too tired to respond and at this point I don't think I want to. I feel wind hit my face as we exit the building, or whatever it was. I don't even know where we are.

"Here I got her," I hear Archer's voice say. I'm half asleep, I didn't hear Archer follow us. I feel myself being transferred into someone else's arms. I look up to see Archer's beaming face looking down at me. "Don't worry Cupcake, I got you." I don't stay conscious long enough to respond.

When I wake up I hear a pair of voices arguing.

"Why did you let her out of your sight? This is your fault."

"You're her guardian, you're supposed to be protecting her."

"She never told me she was moving."

"Well that goes to prove your one clueless protector and you shouldn't even be one."

"What that's absolute baloney."

"Shush it you doofuses, my head already hurts as it is. I don't need you to guys making it worse," I interrupt. They just stare at me in shock. "What!"

"We didn't hear you wake up is all," Bryce answers.

"Well maybe you would have if you hadn't been arguing," I retort. "What were you arguing about anyway? What are you doing here Bryce? What's a protector? Who are you protecting me from? Who were those people? Wha-"

"I guess we have some explaining to do," Archer says.

"No dur," I snap.

"Ok, you might want to sit down. This is gonna be a lot to take in," he replies calmly. I sit down on a log nearby and wait expectantly. "I guess you should start first Bryce, you knew her first."

"Me?," Bryce squeaks. Archer nods smoothly. "Where do I start?"

"How about the beginning," I suggest sourly. I'm angry ok! I don't have a clue about what's going on around here.

"Ok geez calm down kitty," Bryce snaps back. I slump back on the log and wait for him to begin. "As you've noticed you have an evil twin and Archer has one too. This is because you're either part fairy or fae. Everyone who is fae or part fae has one. These twins may not always be evil. They're personality depends on what you want the most. For example Archer's twin is-"

"Ok that's enough for now don't you think," Archer interrupts. I look up at him to see that he has turned a bright shade of red. What's the matter?

"No, I want to hear more," I whine.

"Yeah let her hear," Bryce backs me up. "As I was saying before I was rudely interrupted," he continues glaring over at Archer. "Archer deepest ambition was probably to be with you, or have you as his. That's why his twin went after you."

"Wait, is your twin born with you or-"

"No your twin appears out of the fairy realm when you reach the age 14."

"Then how did Archer," I don't finish my sentence.

"That's the thing kitten. You're the king's daughter, and because of that he put guards to protect you. Lucky you Archer and I were put on the job. I'm gonna try and put this in the most non-stalkerish way as possible, but we've been watching you since you were born," Bryce answers looking embarrassed.

"Oh," I say flatly. "But I've never seen Archer until we met at the airport.

"He was the secret watcher. His job was to keep you safe but never make contact with you that is until you came to Athens."

"Why did you stop talking to me when we went to high school," I ask.

"I'm sorry kitten but I got taken away. That Bryce was my evil twin, and I guess I have an urge to be popular I guess. Sorry if I hurt you kitten," Bryce explains.

"It's ok, it's not like I spent the past two years thinking that you despised me," I spit.

"Brielle," he starts.

"Ya know what, I'm done," I say and walk thunder away. He seriously thinks that'll I'll forgive him for the years of pain he caused me. I know I might have acted a little harsh, and I know that it wasn't actually him. Still, his twin is a part of him, his twin's personality was based off of his deepest desire. I don't know, maybe I should forgive him, but for what exactly. I don't know anymore.

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