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Many a time, we find our pious elders being praised – in speech or in poetry. As such, some question the piety of that Wali since he is listening to his own praises. This is due to
our ignorance.

The Hadith which makes mention that dust be thrown in the faces of those who are given to praising people is in regard to Rasulullah’s صلئ الله عليه وسلم  disapproval of praise which is meant for material gain and benefit, or to please a man by mentioning those qualities which are not found in him. Added to this, such praise would ruin a person if he then
considered himself worthy of such praise.

However, Rasulullah صلى الله عليه وسلم  had also said that when a true
believer is praised, then his Imaan increases. The condition for such praise is perfect and complete Imaan. On listening to his own praises, this person does not look at himself, rather, his attention is directed to Allah : What am I ?… Nothing.
This praise is really Yours.

For such Ahlullah (people of Allah), praise is a means of their Imaan increasing, but for weak ones like us, we need to be very cautious. Our egos take off very quickly and get bloated. The Ahlullah are not affected negatively.

In fact, praise is Allah Ta’ala’s gift to the Ahlullah. Allah Ta’ala blesses the Ahlullah with ‘Thana-e-Khalq’ (praise of creation) and this is one of the commentaries of the dua wherein we ask of Allah Ta’ala, ‘…Hasana fid-dunya…’ (‘The best of this world’)

THE TRUE LOVER OF ALLAH TA'ALA  Part 2✔Where stories live. Discover now