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"What if" is a common phrase used by humans to desribe a senario in which they desribe a hypothetical situation. My what if begins on June 10th, 2016 where i was deciding to take a summer class i ended up taking that class but what if i hadn't what if i decided to have a summer vacation i had know i would have met you would i still sign up knowing the pain it would lead me to you see you and i have what some would call a complicated realtionship all our ups and downs how you made me hate you and love you within a span of a week the whirlwind friendship we had i wanted more my god i wanted more but alas as fate would have it we drifted we still talk here and there but i can feel it this rift between us. Do you know your the fist person to make me cry on my birthday. You were the first person i felt i could tell anything to. God was i stupid the way you played me like a yoyo you hurt me and i should hate you but guess what i don't and i dont think i ever will so what if we never met would my life be better or worse to be perfectly honest i don't know you made me feel things i hadn't felt in a while and i thank you for that but i also am catious of you so i guess this is my answer to What if i never met you would i go back, despite everything i dont think i would you put me through hell im not going to lie but it has made me who i am today and that is a better person than who i was someone with a sense of who you are not this nieve person who believed the good in everyone. With that being said i do still think you're a good person with mixed up intentions. The worst thing is you don't even know what you're doing to me you're so oblivious to everything don't have to wish it could be you love is to the world because the problem with me I feel too much I think too much I do everything too much it cost me a lot of trouble I over think situations I overthink every conversation between us I obsess over something so stupid part of me hopes that you care but another part of me the logical part knows better knows that despite all my hopes and dreams when reality hits and the dust clears I'll be ultimately crushed as I always am because people like me are usually ones left heartbroken and people like you are usually the ones breaking the hearts sometimes without knowledge I'm wrapped around your finger it's quite sad actually if called and asked for something likely give it to you despite the consequences of my actions.

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