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In Bloom

“Weather changes moods
Spring is here again…”

“Bruises on the fruit
Tender age in bloom…”- Nirvana in Bloom

Chapter one: Best friends

It was a cold winter’s night, Arielle was sitting on her cozy cream coloured window seat staring out at the starry night dreaming of another life, another world, she didn’t know what was wrong but she felt kind of empty inside, she had a great life but something always felt missing.

While hugging her red cushions small tears formed in her eyes, she was deep in thought about everything and yet about nothing at all… she stirred as she heard faint sounds hitting her window. Pushing her hair out of her eyes and wiping her tears she opened the window “Hunter!” she couldn’t help but smile as she saw her best friend in the whole world standing outside throwing tiny stones, one accidently hit her cheek and she couldn’t help but laugh but immediately closed her mouth as it was 10 p.m. and she was supposed to be asleep.

Hunter was the opposite from Arielle he had dark brown spikey hair, deep brown eyes, a darkish tan and a crooked smile that could pierce any girls heart, Arielle had long waist length blond hair, piercing grey eyes that could stop a man in his boots and a hint of a tan touched her skin. She wasn’t too short for her age but she came to Hunters shoulder when standing next to him. The only thing they probably had in common physically was the fact they were both the same age: 18

“What are you doing here superman” she whispered. this was her nickname for Hunter it came from when they were little he had these superman underpants that he would parade in and she would always laugh hysterically seeing this, many people had asked her why she called him this but she only said it was his favorite superhero she knew he would kill her for telling anyone the truth, Babe was his nickname for her, when Hunter was 2 he couldn’t say Arielle so he started calling her Babe everyone thinks they are dating because of this and she would never let him live it down if he told people he actually made up her nickname from their childhood favorite movie “Babe the sheep pig”  instead of saying why he was there knowing Arielle’s parents were asleep he simply pointed at his bike. Arielle’s eyes drifted from Hunter to the bike, she saw in the front basket was some champagne, strawberries and other things she couldn’t quite make out. Immediately she ran to her mirror brushed her hair put some eyeliner, mascara and a little bit of lip gloss on “perfect” she thought as she grabbed her coat and climbed out of the window.

“Hey stranger!” smiled Hunter as they walked out of the yard “hahaha stranger! I saw you before school, during school and after school!” “Aww but I missed you” Hunter said grabbing hold of Arielle and she in return shoved him away while she giggled. She didn’t have to ask him where they were going as they now walked through the streets she knew all too well: When they were 10 they were allowed to walk in the streets without their parents and as they walked they walked into a miniature forest and at the end of the forest they came across a tree along a riverbed this became their secret place which was simply known as “our place”, no one ever went there and because of the surrounding trees it was hidden from the cars that drove past, they had spent many days there a week didn’t go by without them going there at least once, they even carved their names in the tree and 8 years later it still looked like it was freshly carved. Arielle and Hunter had been best friends ever since they could remember, their fathers had been best friends since high school and when they met their wives their wives too became best friends even going on to be each other’s maid of honor’s and best men and till this day they were best friends. Everyone always says Hunter and Arielle will end up together but it just isn’t like that for them and they knew all too well their parents were secretly routing for them too.

They passed the forest and finally got to their tree “so what’s the special occasion superman “Arielle asked “ah well I was bored and ya know” he replied “actually you know we should be sleeping it’s a school night” she replied “As if that bothered us before babe” Hunter flashed her a smile “hahaha I guess your right so pop open some bubbly!” “As you wish Ma’am” they spent the night talking, drinking and eating. As the sun was coming up Hunter walked up to river to observe the ripples and Arielle couldn’t help but stare at his dark hair this was her happiness if she didn’t have Hunter she would sink into oblivion, he made her feel alive, happy and free she could be herself and he was the only person she could be herself with… if they weren’t best friends or if something were to come in between them she just knew she would never survive it.

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