Chapter 2: A sense of realization...

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A few days had passed since they had gone to their tree that night, it was after school and Arielle was at her part time job, she worked at the library and she absolutely loved it! Hunter always teased her about being a book worm, which she always got angry at it wasn’t like she was continuously glued to a book or anything but she did love to read and romantic books were her favourite! Her favourite parts where when the main characters would find each other in the end and finally profess their love to one another after battling with their feelings forever-it just sent her heart a-flutter… she guessed cause she couldn’t find her own prince charming, it wasn’t that no one wanted to date her on the contrary Arielle was one of the most beautiful girls in the school but she just wasn’t into games she was serious about every guy she went out with but unfortunately no guys her age were serious in return. Even Hunter wasn’t really serious when it came to dating he would only date girls a few months at a time, she didn’t particularly like that fact but she never butted in his relationships. It was pay day and Arielle was excited, every month Arielle and Hunter got paid on the 25th of the Month (Hunter worked part time at a garage assisting with fixing cars)and they went out every month what they called “date night” just for fun because “hanging out night” didn’t sound as pleasing. Every single month they tried to do something a little different too, this month they were going to the town next to theirs to go and have dinner and watch a movie, they have been to dinner and movies plenty of times but always in their town, so it was going to be quite the experience, their parents were even allowing them to sleep over at a guest house for the weekend. “Any plans this weekend?” Kayden’s face came popping over Arielle’s book Kayden was the senior librarians son and he was always coming over he was very cute Dark hair and the bluest eyes Arielle had ever seen he was tall and very athletic, Arielle and Kayden also went to the same school but he was part of a group named the eagles in their school the most popular group in school, it consisted of 6 guys and all were super dreamy-but they mostly only dated the most popular girl groupThe pink slippers which consisted of 8 girls beautiful but no doubt bitchy… Arielle had a crush on Kayden for a few months now but she hadn’t told a soul she knew he wouldn’t go for her and she would rather save herself the embarrassment. “Maybe we could catch a movie?”  “That sounds great but raincheck? Me and Hunter are going to Chester’s grove we are spending the weekend there” what about you?” Kayden made a strange face “Sounds romantic, I guess I will just ride my dirt bike around the dunes” and just before she was about to correct Kayden and tell him it was NOT a romantic getaway Hunter appeared “Hey babe you ready?” oh great that’s totally going to convince him now she thought sadly, wait did Kayden actually want to do something with me? Looking at her watch she jumped up and gathered her bag and jacket “Gosh the time totally passed me by!” “See you next week Kayden” She flashed him a smile “yeah enjoy” he smiled weakly was she imagining it or did he seem defeated? Once outside Arielle got into Hunters car “What’s wrong Babe” Hunter looked worriedly over to his best friends troubled face “nothing” even though she didn’t feel it she pulled herself together and decided she was going to enjoy this weekend. She cranked up the music and started singing along and in no time did they reach Chester’s grove, “so you wana go to dinner now and guest house later or other way around?” “I’ve got a better idea” Hunter said “how about we skip dinner and a movie we go to the shops buy some alcohol and snacks then go to the guest house and chill?” “I would absolutely love that superman!” Arielle was relieved she didn’t feel like being around all sorts of strangers anyway, she smiled up at Hunter he always seemed to know what to do and say exactly the right thing no matter her mood. They stopped at the nearest shop and went into the bottle store Hunter immediately grabbed a bottle of shooters, Champagne and a case of hunters (he always laughed when he said hunters, and thought he was appropriately named as Hunters was his favourite alcoholic beverage) “whoa slow down tiger how many people are you inviting?” “Just feeling like spoiling you abit babe” and he did, when they went to the shop he bought sweets, chips and strawberries (Champagne and Strawberries was their signature two items to buy since they were 14-the first time they ever drank) and he refused to allow her to pay a cent “Hunter you cannot pay for everything!” Arielle gasped “yes I can I have saved money up for this trip just so I can spoil you babe you deserve it” before Arielle could reply the cashier said “Aww I wish I had a boyfriend like yours! Don’t let him out of your sight!” again Arielle was cut off before she could say a word “I wouldn’t let her go even if she was trying to shoot me she’s amazing” he then planted a kiss on Arielle’s head when they were finally out of the shop Arielle grabbed Hunters arm “Why did you not correct her Hunter” She now pulled him to look at her eyes staring accusingly “c’mon Babe everyone just assumes we are dating and I for one am tired of explaining and besides we’re in a different town why not just let people think what they damn well like?” Arielle was staring at a group of girls trying not to laugh she knew Hunter was very good looking but it always made her laugh the way girls stared at him as if he was a delicious piece of meat and they hadn’t eaten in days when suddenly Hunter bent down and kissed Arielle on her neck just under her earlobe Arielle “Now that was on purpose” she said as she looked back at the girls they all had a sour look on their faces as they walked away “I was just trying to prove a point Arielle, we are not dating we know that but as soon as anyone sees any little type of affection they immediately think we are dating” “of course they will think we are dating! You kissed my neck if that doesn’t scream dating I don’t know what does” “your wrong, the next guy that walks past staring at you, just hug me or something friends do and you will see.” Annoyed and a little curious Arielle decided she will try it, they stood outside of the shop and waited and sure enough a man came walking in her direction a flirting half smile directed at Arielle when she saw this she turned and side hugged Hunter immediately the man changed direction and walked away “See told ya” “okay fine can we go now” once in the car Arielle said “I don’t understand what was the experiment for?” “Arielle “Hunter said while clenching his teeth, this is how Arielle knew Hunter was about to be serious “it’s to show you that people will always jump to conclusions, they will always think what they want to think, how many times have we explained to people we are not dating we are in fact best friends and how many people have actually believed that?” “I guess none if I’m really thinking about it “She said softly “even when we have no physical contact like a hug or anything people automatically just think we are dating now please can you stop caring what they think we are best friends, we both know this so who cares about the rest, and I definitely think while we are here it’s more fun to pretend we are dating than to tirelessly and continuously explain ourselves.” “You’re completely right “Arielle said a sense or realization coming to her who cares what people think, I’m so tired of it anyway…

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