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Author's POV
"Go away!" Sinb push Taehyung gentlely. Sinb want to get out from that room but Taehyung pull her wrist. "I can explain!" Taehyung said.
"What?*smirk* Explain what??? That Joanne was your girlfriend??? HOW MANY GIRLFRIEND THAT YOU HAVE HUH,PLAYBOY?!" Sinb shouted angrily. Then..they silent......"What did you care if Joanne is my girlfriend?"
Taehyung suddently ask. Sinb froze 100%.

Sinb POV
Right... why am I crying if I don't even care about him?? Is it because I love him?? No Sinb you can't fall in love with him!! "I-I-I dont know..I j-just want to cry!" This is so awkward. "Because you LOVE ME, don't you?" My heart skip a beat.... IS IT TRUE????? "You love me right, HWANG EUNBI??" He suddently hold my hands. I quickly pull my hand away. "N-N-NO!! I HATE YOU! Y-YEAH, I HATE YOU" I replied nervously. Actually, I don't know the answer. "Whatever my lovely girl♡." Then,he kiss me!!! Kiss you know!!! I pull off the kiss because I know I'm blushing right now.

After dinner
Author's POV
Sinb is playing games on her handphone. Then, Taehyung give her an envelope. "What is this??? I'm playing right now! Look.....I lost~ 😡😡" Sinb sight. "Fill in this form faster." Taehyung said. "What?? What is this?" Sinb takes the envelope.

Sinb POV

What is this? Huh??? Hanlim Performing Arts Highschool?! "Why did you gave me this?? Why so suddently??" I ask. "You're going to school Sinb-yah! You also need to study!" He knock my head. Aishhh. "What? Me? Serious? Since when you take care about me?" I ask many question because I'm curious. Is he seriously going to send me to Hanlim?? Its one of popular school among idols. "I always take care about you. You're the one that don't care about me." He pouts. So cute aww.
"So, when will I start?" I need some times to tho. "Tomorrow." I froze. Seriously froze. Are you kidding me Kim TaeHyung??????


Hello!!! 안녕하세요🙇
어때요?? 좋아요?? I'm sorry I know this part was soooooo boring yeah2.
But I'll make sure that other part will be good than this.😄😄
Please vote for my storyyyy😝😝👌?
Please comment too!! Byeeee until we meet again!!!또 만나요!안녕💞

-젠디 김💞-

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