Half full or half empty?

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Part 1: A War Within

Half full or half empty?

My eyes widened in shock as my mind replayed the scene over and over again. It's impossible. How?

But clearly it wasn't impossible because now, instead of four wolves there was only one. And in front of it were three humans.

The one closest to me had dark brown hair and blue eyes. He had a little bit of an after shave and had a very pronounced 6 pack.

The one farthest to me had ginger red hair and brown eyes. He had a few freckles on his nose and was the youngest looking of the three. He also had a well defined 6 pack.

The one in the middle had dark black hair and blue eyes. He screamed power. He had a strong jawline and a little bit of stubble. He was the tallest and the most built with an eight pack.

My virgin eyes widened in shock as I realized they were all naked.

"Rogue. You've entered the Blood Creek Pack and for that you must pay." said Brunette Guy with lots of authority.

The one in the middle nodded his head.

The grey wolf then looked up on the tree where I was and growled at me. The three good looking men looked up and when they spotted me the widened there eyes.

It was at that moment that the branch I was sitting on decided to give away and break under my weight.

I tumbled to the ground and closed my eyes as I hit the hard ground. Thankfully nothing was broken. I sat up and saw all eyes on me.

"Uhhh... So werewolves, huh?" I said quietly as I rubbed the back of me neck.

The three men looked at each other and there eyes glazed over. It's like they were speaking to each other. While they did this the grey wolf slowly came up to me.

I got up quickly, ran past the wolf, past the sexy naked dudes, and into the highway.

I ran up to a random car and threw myself in front of it. Thankfully it stopped in time before it could hit me.

"Dear lord! Are you okay?" Asked a beautiful girl with blonde hair and hazel eyes.

She held my shoulders as I gasped. "Werewolves! Three of them! In the forest! Naked!" I mumbled.

She widened her eyes and let go of me. Of course. She thinks I'm crazy. "Werewolves?" She asked.

I nodded my head as tears slipped out my eyes. I noticed we were the only ones on the road which is strange because usually there's a lot of cars passing by here.

I was about to tell her, in more detail, what happened, when the three guys, wearing shorts, walked out of the forest. I gasped when I say what they were dragging.

A dead wolf. A dead grey wolf.

I pointed at them. "Th-at's the-m" I stuttered.

The blonde chic turned around. Once she saw the guys she angrily stomped towards them. She slapped the brunette and frowned.

"IDIOTS! She saw you!" She screamed at them.

My eyes widened. Oh my gosh..

They all turned to me and stared at me. I gulped and looked around hoping to find a way to escape. I looked back at them to see them walking towards me.

As they walked towards me Ginger spoke. "Why were you in the forest?"

I slowly took steps back as they took steps forward. "I was in school when that wolf came out of now where." I replied softly, starting to take steps back.

"Why weren't you in the school?" The brunette asked, as they stepped forward.

"I was looking for my friend." I answered. My back hit something hard and moist and when I looked back I noticed it was a tree.

I looked forward to see the black haired one was right in front of me. My breathing hitched and a trickle of sweat streamed down my face.

"What's your name?" He said with his raspy voice.

I bit my lip, drawing blood from it, and slowly looked into his blue eyes.

His eyes were quite beautiful. They were shaded a blue, but closely they appeared go be silver.

Half full or half empty? Where his eyes half filled with blue or half empty with grey?

I noticed I'd been staring for quite a while.

"Cassie Rayne." I replied.

The Ginger guy gasped. "Rayne? Are you Feddrick Rayne's daughter?" He asked suddenly alarmed.

I nodded my head and they all growled. "She's coming with us."

I widened my eyes and looked at black haired dude.

"Ian, I don't think that's a good idea." The girl said.

He growled loudly and faced her. She cowered behind the brunette and apologized.

He looked at the brunette and frowned. "You need to show Chelsea her rightful place, Dan."

Ian, I'm guessing that's his name, turned to look at me and in one swift movement I was over his shoulder.

"Nick, make sure Jaslie is okay and that all the rogues are dead."

I would've screamed and kicked, but when I heard him say Jaslie I grew so confused. I looked to my left and faced Ian's face.

"Is Jaslie okay?" I asked worriedly.

He placed me in Chelsea's car and sat down with me on his laps, holding me in place.

Chelsea sat in the front seat with Dan riding shotgun.

"How do you know Jaslie?" Chelsea asked me, still looking a bit shaken up since Ian screamed at her.

"She's my best friend. The one I was looking for."

They all tensed up.

I looked at them confused. Chelsea began to drive, Dan looked out the window and mumbled under his breath, and Ian slowly traced circles on my lower back.

That's when it hit me...

I'm being kidnapped...

By werewolves...

Oh Lordy lord...

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