#57: Surprises!

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Theo: U-know, where are you going? Aren't we supposed to go back to the house?

U-know: I want to bring you to somewhere else.

Theo: But.... We're supposed to go back. If we just went off by ourselves, it's not very nice. At least, we have to tell the rest

U-know: Nah, I will just SMS them and let them know.

Theo: Oh, okay.

Theo allowed U-know to lead her.


The rest of them were walking in front of U-know and Theo. They did not even notice that U-know and Theo were missing. Nobody wanted to call Jaejoong and Kiki out for supper, as they knew the lovebirds wanted to enjoy each other's company more than theirs.

The guys went to the kitchen to put away the food that they were not planning to have for supper, while Fifi went to cook some kimchi ramen.

Fifi: The ramen is ready.

Everyone gathered at the table hungrily, while Fifi put the big pot of kimchi ramen in the middle of the table.

Xiah (amazed): I didn't know that you could cook.

Fifi: Hey, instant kimchi ramen does not pose a problem to me okay... I can cook. It's just a choice of whether or not I want to...

Micky (raises eyebrow questioningly): Oh really. Why not you cook something else for us the next time? Then, we will know if you can really cook or not.

Fifi: Erm... No thanks. With Jaejoong and Kiki around, there's no room for me in the kitchen. And I don't want to make my own life difficult by taking on cooking duties for so many people... It's not easy... So I'll leave THAT to the two more experienced cooks...

Xiah, Micky and Max nodded in agreement. Max started eating, and so did Micky. So Xiah took a mouthful of ramen into his mouth, leaving a trail of kimchi soup on the table as he brought it to his mouth.

Xiah's thoughts: I feel so lucky to be able to eat food that Fifi cooked all by herself... No wonder Jaejoong-hyung told Changmin that he wants to savour the food that Kiki cooks for him, even if he had to share the moment with the rest of us... It's really special when the one you love cooks for you...

Micky: Junsu-ya, you're leaving your "beautiful footsteps" behind again

Xiah: WHAT?

Micky: Your kimichi soup's dripping all over the table... Dok dok dok dok dok...

Micky mimicked how Xiah was eating and how he dripped the soup all over the table.

Xiah: Oh... *giggles and scratches head embarrassedly*

Fifi looked up from her bowl of kimchi ramen and looks at Xiah. Indeed he was making a fine mess dripping soup all over the table.

Micky: The bowl's soooo near you and you can still eat until so messy... *sigh* You need to go back to kindergarten man... And learn how to eat properly...

Xiah: YAH!!! PARK YOOCHUN!!! It's just a few drops of soup, I'll clean it up later... Quit nagging and eat your food!!!

Fifi: No wonder Jaejoong and you said he leaves footsteps behind when he eats... It's really true... Now that I've seen it myself... Ha ha ha...

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