W-a-t-c-h b-o-y: A Motionless in white Slash (Chris/Brandon/Balz)

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Authors note: Hey guys! This story is a ChrisxBrandonxJosh slash. It's set well before Brandon joined the band (yes, I know hes left now :/ ) and when he was still just in his band 'The Witch was Wright'. It takes place during the Infamous Tour, which I sadly didn't go to cause I'm not American damn it.

I'm dedicating this short story to my beautiful follower KermitgorawrBVB <3 

Warning: filth. Now or in the next chapter.

Chapter 1 out of 2


I don't know why I was standing here still. I'd seen this band play several times on this tour but for some reason the performance never seemed to get old.

Here I was, standing on the side stage watching the main headliners: Motionless in White.

I liked this band as soon as I heard the name. Trevor Friedrich was a good friend of mine who played in his old band 18 Visions for a time. To see people who liked 18V enough to name their band after one of their songs made me feel like they were already my friends. I had actually been listening to them for a few years. I'd met their lead singer at a few Bleeding Through concerts in Chicago. I never spoke to him, since it would have been too weird. What would I say exactly? 'Oh hey dude, I really love your band even though I'm probably twice the age of your fanbase'. That was then, we were friends now. My whole band were friends with all the members of his band.

I looked out into the crowd and saw heads banging back and forth like nothing I'd ever seen before. The way Chris was commanding the kids to jump reminded me of the way my old fitness instructor used to coach me. It made me want to be in the crowd and join in with the workout.

I was stunned out of my thoughts as Chris' scream pierced through my ears during the breakdown of 'Abigail'. The chills I always got from his 'Cradle of Filth' like highs were ridiculous. The anger, the aggression and the talent radiating from this guy- who was in contrast one of the most chill people in this business...

...intriguing. It made me want to get to know him.

On top of admiring the music, I just couldn't stop staring. Staring at the way all the band members looked at their front man for direction. How they had the crowd in the palm of their hands- command them to do something and the whole floor would move. How Chris was able to signal to the people in the sound check booth when he wanted the microphone or the guitars louder. He was a perfectionist; he wanted the show to be perfect.

That's why I was standing here on my own, arms crossed and still aching from bashing drums a half hour before with my band 'The Witch Was Wright".

The band took a short interlude about six-songs in, and I walked forward over to Ricky to hand him a water bottle. He thanked me politely, and downed the whole thing. I looked at him with my eyebrows raised.

"I haven't had anything to drink all day dude," he laughed, patting my shoulder.

"Hey is that for me Brandon?" Chris smiled, suddenly appearing and grabbing my bottle from my hand. I watched passively as he wrapped his lips around the half empty bottle, taking a few gulps.

"No...that one was mine," I frowned. I had a thing about hygiene but I didn't seem to mind at that moment in time. "It's alright though. Take as much as you need."

He pushed the bottle back in my hand, and rustled my hair before grabbing a towel.

I watched him walk back to the middle of the stage, my eyes glued on his behind. Catching myself, I quickly looked back over to Ricky who was was preoccupied talking to their tour manager. I sighed in relief.

W-a-t-c-h b-o-y: A Motionless in white Slash (Chris/Brandon/Balz)Where stories live. Discover now