Chapter One: Saving Elizabeth

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I clutched to the cords of the bridge as i stood on the railing. Tears were streaming down my rosy cheeks and i was shaking. I stared out to the darkness, knowing the ocean is staring back at me. I sealed my eyes shut. I let go of the cords so i was balancing on my own. I sucked in a breath of salty air.
"Hey!" I heard from behind me. I startled and almost fell. I gripped the cords and balenced myself back up.
"Leave me a-alone!" I yelled back, letting go of the cords again
"C'mon.. get down from there.. lets talk." The male voice said back.
"Th- theres nothing to talk about!" My voice was shaking. I opened my eyes back up and just stared into the darkness.
"Why would a pretty girl like you want to do something like this?" He asked.
"Stop trying to flatter me!" I shouted.
"Im not. Im just trying to understand.." he said.
"Why would you care?" I asked.
"Because i do. Please come down from there.." he pleaded. I took a shaky breath.
"Give me one good reason to.." i said.
"Give me one good reason to jump." He replied.
"No one likes me.. not even myself! Im a mistake.. my own father didnt want me.." i choked back a sob.
"All of those people dont matter. Your worth everything this world has to offer, its just waiting for the right moment.." he said. There was silence for a few moments before he spoke again. "Give the world another chance." I then sat on the railing i was standing on. The cold was starting to get to me now that the adrenaline was going away. I had no coat.. i didnt even have shoes on. I ran out of my house in a rush.. i felt arms go around me and pull me down. I let him. I was shivering now. I stood and gripped onto him and sobbed into his chest. He was much taller then me. He wrapped his arms around me. He let me sob into his chest for a few moments.
"Lets go.." he led me away. My feet throbbed from the cold. My vision was blurred from my tears so i had no idea where he was taking me. We walked and walked. We finally stopped and he led me in a building and up some stairs, where i almost feel on my face. He brought me through another door and layed me on a couch. I was so exhausted that i passed out as soon as i touched the couch.


"Bye-bye mommy!" Little Elizabeth said to her mother, gripping onto hee leg. Elizabeth had her auburn curls up in tight pigtails. Her crystal blue eyes gleamed up at her mother, who had her lsame colored hair in a tight braid. Her once blue eyes had faded to a stormy grey.
"Bye my little Ellie." Her mother said as she picked up her young child. Elizabeth gave her mother a slopy kiss on the cheek. Elizabeth's father was next to them. He smiled and her mother and father kissed. Elizabeth's mother whispered a reasurance to her father. Little Elizabeth was handed from her mother to her father. Elizabeth waved bye to her mother as she left out the door.

That was the last anyone saw of Elizabeth's mother


I woke with a start. I sat up rapidly with a scream;
"No!" I breathed rapidly and became light headed. I clutched the back of the couch and sealed my eyes shut. I stayed like this untill the light headedness went away. I blinked my eyes open and looked around me. I had slept on a brown lether couch with an old blanket that had been layed across me in the night. The couch sat on maple floors. He walls were tan and there was a small tv. The room was small. I could see the small kitchen. In the middle of if was a foldinh table and chair. The table had Styrofoam take out contaners and used paper plates. Facing away from me was a man with dark hair. He was makimh something at the kitchen counter. He was humming an unfamiliar tune. I immediately reconized the voice. It was the man that had stopped me from jumping off the bridge. I opened my mouth to speak, but he had turned and saw me before i could. His face reasured any doubts i had about his identity. The bright blue eyes and nose ring. He looked shocked to see me awake, but it soon melted to releaf. He smiled to me and i waved slightly. He had a mug in his hands that was steaming. He walked to me and kneeled nect to the couch. He handed me the warm mug and i took a sip. It was hot chocolate. It slid down my soar throat with ease. I set the mug into my lap and looked to him. His eyes studied me.
"Wh-why?" I said, ny voice horse. He looked confused.
"Why what?" He asked.
"Why did you care..?" i asked.
"I.. ive been there." He said simply. He stood and went back to the kitchen. I moved the blanket off me and hung my legs over the edge of the couch. I tried to stand but my weak legs gave in. He saw this and rushed back over to catch me. The hot chocolate spilled all over him and the mug shattered. He sat me down on the table, pushing the trash to the floor, and looked me over to see if i was alright. I did the same to him. His chest was covered in liquid - presumably the hot chocolate - and his black tshirt clung to his chest. The broken mug layed around the floor near the couch.
"Are you alright?" He asked me.
"I- im fine. Are you?" I asked in responce.
"Y-yeah.." he said. I reached out and gently touched his chest. It was hot from the drink. He winced and i pulled my hand back.
"No your not.."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2017 ⏰

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