Hello! My name is Piper Isabel Glenwood. My friends call me Pipes, Piperpie, Piperkins and ugh, Piper Grace. Here is a little about me.
I have wavy brown hair and grayish eyes. I'm quick and slim. I am 4'9 ¾; a medium-height, on the shorter side. I am 12 years old, and my birthday is on February 5th. I am creative, determined to get the quest completed, hard-working when it comes to reaching a goal, friendly towards strangers, loyal to my friends, and protective of them too.
My parents are Jack, and Eliza Glenwood. A have an older sister named Katie, who is 16, and an older brother named Henry who is 18. Here are some pictures of them. My dad is on the left, then my mom, then my sister, then Henry and finally ME!
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My hometown is in Newport, Rhode Island. We live in a 2 story house by a lake. Here is a picture of it:
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Here is what I looked like when I was younger, and what I imagine myself to look like when I'm older.
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My good-luck charm is a necklace from my family. It has 4 hearts put together in a 4-leaf clover shape. Katie told me that if I even feel lost, lonely, confused or sad, to touch the necklace, and that they would always be with me. Each heart is to represent a different member of my family. One heart represents my mom, one represents my dad, one represents Katie, and one represents Henry. I never take it off. Ever. Here is a picture of it: