Chapter VII

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Chapter VII: The News

News travels fast in places where nothing much ever happens.

Mary's POV

I was requested at the tower. There was news from Thor who had recently come back from Asgard. They didn't give me any other details. All they said was that i needed to go to the Stark Tower immediately and alone.

Bash kept protesting as i grabbed my things to head to the tower. "You can't go," I said as much as i wanted him to go with me. "They said that I have to go alone." I grabbed my car keys from the hook near the front door.

"Mary, i don't care what they say. I'm going." He said, determined. "If its news from Thor, its probably news about Loki and that means you're probably in danger...again. Since you're like a little sister to me, it is my job to protect you." He wasn't budging, so I had to take him because there was nothing that i could say to make him stay home. "Fine," I said in defeat. "You're being really immature though." And he really was. Its not like i was going to keep the meeting a secret and lie to him. I tell him almost everything.

"Yeah yeah yeah, let's go already."


Seven minutes later we arrived at the tower.

"If i get in trouble for bringing you, I'm totally blaming everything on you." I whispered as we walked through the front entrance of the building.

Bash didn't respond. He knew he was going to get in trouble but it wasn't stopping him. He silently walked beside me.

As soon as we got half way through the lobby, Nick Fury emerged from the from the elevator. At the sight of Bash, his face looked even grumpier than i remembered. He kept glancing between us. When he reached us, he said, "I specifically told you to come alone and there you go bringing your little friend."

By the look on his face, I knew Bash was trying to keep his mouth shut.

"Yeah, well, I don't feel comfortable coming without him." I said, defending Bash.

Fury stared like he always does when people speak against him and said, "Fine, but he needs to stay quiet when we get into the conference room." Bash nodded.

We followed quietly behind Fury back into the elevator that he had just come from. We went to some random floor--I didn't looked due to my nervousness--and walked into a double-doored conference room. Inside was the whole crew of the Avengers--Natasha Romanoff (aka The Black Widow), Clint Barton (aka Hawkeye), Bruce Banner (aka the Hulk), Steve Rogers (aka Captain America), and Thor-- minus Tony Stark (aka Iron Man) who should be here at least since this is his tower. Also in the room was Agent Hill who i have met only once before when i moved near the Stark Tower. I vaguely remember her because she escorted me and Bash to our new apartment that was all paid for by S.H.I.E.L.D.

Bash and i took a seat at the conference table. I turned to him and whispered, "Okay, no matter what they say, you better keep your mouth shut or else they'll kick you out and I need you here. I don't want to be in this room alone with them."

All Bash did was nod. I guess this keeping his mouth shut thing started when Nick Fury told him he had to keep his mouth shut.

"Where is Tony? He should have been the first one here. Even she got here before him and he's been here at the tower all day." Mr. Captain America seemed not as nice as he was back on the day I met him. I guess Tony Stark irritated him a bit.

Right after Steve said that, Tony barged in the door with that nonchalant attitude with Pepper Potts trailing behind him. Tony had a few glasses in one hand and a bottle of alcohol in the other hand. Pepper had glasses in her hands, too.

"Hello, fine people," Tony said. "We are gathered here today to discuss the dilemma with a certain unwanted Asgardian--not Mr. Thor over there--and to ease us into the topic of what's going on and what we're going to do, I have brought drinks." Tony looked at me. "Are you and your buddy old enough to drink?"

"Yes, but we don't want any. Thanks anyway." I replied.

"Okay then, on to business..." He passed drinks around but no one took a sip except for him. "Tell us what you know oh Mighty God of Thunder and Hammers."

"Be nice," Pepper said. Thor looked a little not-in-the-mood.

"In the past few months, Loki was believed to be dead. But recently, We have found that Loki is very much alive." Thor said. "I have gathered this information from evidence that i have found after suspecting that there was something wrong with my father. He didn't talk like his usual self and finally i asked Heimdall about my father. He told me that Loki had been disguised as my father when i told him that i was to stay on Earth. He had taken the place of my father while my father was placed in Loki's prison cell but disguised as Loki so no one suspected it was the real king himself. But Heimdall had figured it out when my father had kept asking about a human girl. He knows of the situations that happen on Earth. So i believe that Loki might make another attempt to take over Earth once more and get revenge on the girl in the process. Or he might try to get rid of the Avengers. I'm not entirely sure of what my brother has planned."

I seemed to be the only one in the room who was a little stunned. Why would Loki want revenge on me? Did i really hurt his pride with that silly little action of mine? It was stupid. I curled up into a ball in the chair i was sitting in. I was frustrated. I was really in danger just because I saved those people from that stupid guy who thought he could try to take over Earth?

"Is that all?" Tony asked. Thor nodded. "Okay, so any ideas on what Loki will do first? Anyone?" Everyone sat and thought a little bit.

Thor was the first to speak up. "I think my brother will go for the girl first. He dwells on humiliating moments."

"Well in that case," Natasha said, "we need to keep watch on her. She should stay here at the tower for a while. We could keep a closer eye on her if she stays here."

I was annoyed now. "Are you serious? You already moved me and have your agents stalk me. i really don't need supervision 24/7."

He was supposed to be quiet, but Bash said, "If you'll be safe here, you should stay here for a while." I was shocked and no one seemed to be getting angry at him for speaking because he was agreeing with them, which is not something they would expect. He looked to Nick Fury and asked, "If she stays here, would it be okay if i stayed here, too? I worry about her a lot and i need to make sure she stays safe."

"That's fine," Fury replied. "It would be better if you were here, too, because Loki might get some ideas about trying to kidnap you to lure her out."

I couldn't believe they all agreed on this. Why was my safety so important anyway? I was just one person. But when all was said and done, I just agreed with them.

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