•Chapter one• "Frisk?"

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-Flash Back-

"y/n! you're dozing off again! Pay attention, please?" Frisk insisted. 

You both were sitting in your bedroom, in the house that both of you live alone in. Being your parents died in a tragic car accident 3 months ago. Frisk was sitting on your f/c bed telling you ghost stories. You never really cared enough to listen. They were just old wives tales. Frisk may be 13 but they really have Hopes and Dreams.

Frisk paused when they had realized you weren't listening.

"y/n!" Frisk raised their voice in frustration. 

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry," you sighed.

 Continuing with their story, Frisk, told the tale about some Monsters. Frisk had mentioned the tale before, but never went into details with it.

"Long ago, two races ruled over the world: Humans and Monsters," 

Sighing and tired you responded with, "Friskkkkkkk!" sounding like a four-year-old was a little embarrassing. Being 16 you should be mature and all adult.

"Why can't you let me talk for once?" Frisk snapped. 

You decided to spare Frisk the tears, so, you just stayed silent.

"Humans, and Monsters. One day war broke out between these two races. After a long battle the humans were victorious." Frisk paused...

You looked around, then back at Frisk. "So where are they now?" You ask.

"You might want to be careful, you're showing interest in the topic," Frisk teasingly commented. 

You scoff, "I'm just trying to keep you safe, what if one of them comes and... EATS YOU!" You yelled while jumping onto Frisk, tickling them. 

"Stopppp! That tickles!" Frisk playfully giggled.

"Okay, it's time for bed," You say, making Frisk groan.

"What about you? Are you going to bed as well?" Frisk went into their drawer to fetch out some good PJ's, Even though they had some perfectly good PJ's on all ready.

"Yes, I will be asleep as well," you say, making Frisk grin as they left your room to change in the bathroom. You pull out your favorite book and read some pages, while waiting for Frisk to come back.

Minutes passed, you thought Frisk may have gotten stuck while changing. You thought they may have hit their head and was knocked out. But you decided to wait a few more minutes.

10 more minutes passed.

"Frisk? You okay in there?"

No response.


No response.

Staying seated, you wondered if they were okay.

"Come here right now, Frisk!"

But nobody came.

"Say something!!" You roared hoping to get Frisk's attention.

No response.

You jolt up and dash across the hallway into the bathroom. The door was wide open with no sign of Frisk. The window above the was wide open.

"Frisk?" You mumbled underneath your breath. Where had they gone?!

-Flash Back End-

That was a year ago, you've moved on from then. Frisk still hasn't showed up. You got a boyfriend (Or Girlfriend...) you're doing good in school. Your life is nice.

Everyday you felt something crawling on your back, metaphorically of course. Frisk was your responsibility. What if they are dead? Okay, that moving on part was kind of lie you told your boyfriend (once again, or girlfriend) and classmates. To be completely honest you think about them everyday. You think of them in a corner, scared and wanting to come home.

That thought gave you chills. Everyday you thought of that story Frisk told you before they... disappeared.

You were sitting on Frisk's bed reading some of their fanfics. They were all about this dude named Sans. Who in the hell was this Sans character. And why were they writing about him?

"Sans looked so nice underneath the light of the stars... wait what?"
Frisks grammar wasn't the best, it was pretty difficult to read.

"We clanked teeth and instantly fell in love... teeth!? Where the hell are his lips?" Apparently Sans didn't have lips...? Who the hell is Frisk writing about?

You sigh and decide to stop reading.

You miss them.

Soon after, a knock on the door was heard as you bolt to open it.

"Fris-?!" But it wasn't Frisk, it was only your boyfriend

"Are you still thinking about Frisk!?" He seemed genuinely concerned.

"No, no of course not," you quickly respond. You ask him to leave. You just wanted to be alone and grief.

You hear your home phone ring, you forgot you even had that at this point. You were pretty sure the universe was taunting you. The phone continued to ring as you dashed to it.



The line cut out. The voice was very similar to Frisk. Yep, the universe hates you.

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