Through Blind Eyes (Karezi Homestuck Fan Fiction Oneshot)

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Karkat was having a bad day. Like always. For all everyone insisted his dark skin had no faults, his acne was acting up yet again. He had yet another detention for profanity in class, which was going to get him in so much trouble with aunt Rosa. Grade eight sucked. And Terezi was still going out with Dave. Although Karkat had liked both of them up until Dave opened his mouth, Terezi was a lingering flame. And why Dave, exactly? Dave was a raging asshole. Half of the bull he spewed from the shithole he called a mouth made no sense, or was otherwise dumb. But damn, that guy had an ass.

Terezi was a different matter. Karkat could wax poetic forever about Terezi Marie Pyrope. The French accent that arose only when she was mad as hell, her sass, and one couldn't believe that she was blind. Nobody knew about that, either. Karkat was her only friend from before the accident other than Vriska. The accident with the science lab lights that turned her eyes the milky shade of white that they were today, the accident that wasn't an accident, exactly, because everyone in the whole school knew it was Vriska's fault. She had been expelled, but that didn't fix the fact that Terezi was blind. Clarisse Pyrope had taken her girls and mother to Washington, and Rosa had taken Karkat, Kankri, Porrim and Kanaya soon after. They said that Ohio wasn't that great of a location for kids. So Terezi had left Vriska and Tavros and Aradia, and Karkat had left Sollux, and things started fresh. Terezi began to wear the same red tinted glasses that her mother and her sister wore, hiding her blindness and passing it off for sight with her other extraordinary senses. And then she had met Dave (the Texan white boy, seriously), and they had hit things off, and left Karkat in the dust.

The youngest Vantas supposed he had John, and Jade, and Kanaya and Nepeta and Equius, but it wasn't the same without Terezi. He kicked at a locker. Stupid school, stupid Dave, stupid everything. Prospit middle school was better than Alternia JMS, but not by much. The kids were still judgemental assholes, Karkat still had to hide the fact that he was pansexual and relatively gender-neutral from most people, and he still missed Sollux, of course. Sollux got some of it, at least.

What was he still doing, still wandering the halls after the final bell had rung? Well, Strider, of course, had gotten the fucking hilarious idea to hide his bag somewhere around the school, and with help from John, leave stupid clues on where to find it. Dave, although relatively remote most of the time, was friends with John and a few others around the school. Karkat didn't mind most of the time, but it was moments like this in which he found it particularly aggravating.

"Putos cabrones," he muttered angrily, ripping another teasing note off a locker (almost there!). "Voy a despellejar a los dos."

That was when he heard the sniffling. It was coming from a vacated classroom, and sounded like it belonged to a girl his age. Karkat cautiously pushed open the door. A girl with auburn hair was sobbing helplessly into her crossed arms, head folded down on a desk. He knew who it was instantly. Only one girl in the entire school had that hair. She stiffened as she heard the door open.

"Terezi?" he asked cautiously. She was oddly still. Then she sat up, eyes still closed, but smiling. She wasn't wearing her glasses.

"It's been a while, Shouty boy," she said quietly. "It's been a while since I started wearing the damned things, because that guy at the shop asked me if I was wearing contacts, and he was fucking terrified and asked what had happened when I said that no, I wasn't, and he moved back like he was revolted. You remember that, oui?" Her eyes were still closed. "And then I started wearing these, because they're perfect, really, and I think I look great in them and everyone else does, too. And my boyfriend wore glasses too, we would match?" Terezi stood up, only to sit on the desk instead. She held her glasses by a forefinger and thumb, toying with them, seeming like she was contemplating them even though her eyes were still closed.

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