The Patch Up

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"You know, Unni, what you're doing right now...otd wrong on so many levels! You're lying and not just to Mr. Park and Jb sunbae-nim, but to yourself as well! You're lying about breaking up with Jb sunbae-nim because in your heart your still in love with him, you're lying to Jb sunbae-nim, because it's clear you don't want to break up with him and worst of all, you're lying to yourself, because you definitely cannot handle this break up like you thought you would..." said Chaeyoung, as she walked around the room, trying to make me understand.

But there's only one thing I understand, and that is that I absolutely cannot jeopardise Jb Oppa's debut or his career. Music is his life, it's what he loves to do and what he's good at. And I know Mr. Park has the power to take that away from him. And I definitely would not be the reason to let Mr. Park use that power.

The tears have stopped now. I just feel numb to everything. Chaeyoung has never left my side ever since the incident, which had been a week since. I was all better just a few days after the incident, but my heart doesn't seem to heal at all.

And so, Chaeyoung called Mr. Park and let him know that I was still sick and would join practice as soon as I was feeling better. Mr. Park didn't seem to mind my taking break. But I think I kinda knew why.

I felt bad for Chaeyoung. She was missing her practice too, just to take care of me. So, after about a week, I decided, I wanted to join back.

When I said this to Chaeyoung, she said, "Unni, are you sure though? Don't just go because of me, I'm having a good time anyway!" She said the last sentence playfully. I smiled at her and said, "Ofcourse I'm fine. I'm bored sitting here, doing nothing..."

When I stood up to walk to the bathroom, I heard Chaeyoung call out to me, "Unni, you do know right...that Jb sunbae-nim has been regularly coming everyday and stands there as long as he can before Jinyoung comes and takes him should talk to him, Atleast for him, if not for yourself..." she said before leaving the room.

I took a deep breath and I get started on getting ready for practice.


When Chaeyoung and I get out of our dorm, I can instantly see Oppa. He looks tired and worn out. But as soon as he sees me, he straightens up and smiles at me. I don't return the smile as I walk towards him.

"Jb, you've got to stop acting like a kid. Move on! It was fun while it lasted, it's over now. Why do you keep standing here!?" I say, trying to sound frustrated, but to be honest, I'm just thankful that he's here, Atleast I get to see him.

"Woah! You sound like someone else entirely. Did you getting hit on the head do that?" He asks, trying to joke around. But I simply stare at him.

So he says, "Well, I can stand wherever I want, whenever I want, however I want, okay? You do not own this lamp post or this pavement, or this area, so just continue with your work..."

It kinda hurt when he said that, but I deserved so much more than that. I mean, I'm such a hypocrite to lie when I myself hate liers.

"Stop being a kid and go practice! There's so much to do! Don't you have a shoot you have to go to!" I say, as I leave a deep sigh.

As soon as the words leave my mouth, he asks, "Oh, well. Why do you care if I miss my practice? Or miss my shoot?" I huff and walk towards where Chaeyoung was waiting for me. I see Chaeyoung bow to him before taking my hand and walking with me towards the JYP Building.

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