Chapter 1: Caught

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Hey guys, it's Demon here and welcome to another fucking book. The first couple chapters were actually written in a notebook at school. Let's just get this started.

Geno's POV:

I ran into an alley, panting. The police cars drove past, sirens wailing. The cops were after me for breaking the law of nature. I was supposed to be dead a while ago, but my determination was keeping me alive.

"Sup, my radical broski." A skeleton emerged from the darkness.

"Who the fuck are you?" I asked cautiously, yet hatefully.

"Hey, hey, hey. Watch your brolingo." The colorful skeleton said. I rolled my eyesockets.

"Fine. Who are you?" I looked over my shoulder to make sure no one was behind me.

"My name's Fresh, my radical homeslice." Fresh introduced himself in his 90's trashy way. "I'm also a drug dealer, so people can see all the radical colors."

"Leave me alone, you piece of 90's trash." I retorted. Fresh just smirked.

"That's no way to talk to a broski." Fresh' shades changed from 'YOLO' to 'Try me, bitch'.

"If you want a fight, I'll give you a fight." I threatened.

"Alright, let's fi-" Fresh started, but he looked behind me and bolted.

"What the-" A metal object smashed into my skull. I fell to the ground. The last thing I saw was a cloaked figure in the shadows before I passed out.

Death's POV:

I threw the crowbar to the side and I looked at the skeleton in front of me. Blueberry ran up behind me.

"Did you get him?" Blueberry asked.

"Yep. Fresh escaped though. That direction." I pointed in the direction Fresh ran. Blueberry nodded and ran in that direction. I looked down at the limp skeleton in front of me. He was still out cold. He didn't seem like the great criminal everyone knew.


I sat at my desk with my feet up when Alphys came into my office.

"Ch-Chief? There was a j-jailbreak. We n-need you to go d-detain the escapee." Alphys stuttered.

"Now? Can't you get anyone else to go?" I sighed. Alphys pulled out a photograph.

"This is the convict." Alphys stated. I took the picture and took a good look at it.

"I'll go right away." I got up and called Blueberry and Sans as back-up in case things got violent.

~Flashback End~

I picked Geno up bridal style and carried him to the patrol car waiting at the end of the alley. When I got to the car, Sans looked at me from the passenger seat with unamused eyes.

"Got him?" Sans asked.

"Who do you think I'm carrying?" I shot back. Sans rolled his eyesockets.

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever. Where's Blueberry?" He inquired.

"I sent him to chase down Fresh. I saw him, but he bolted at the sight of me." At that moment, Blueberry ran out of the alley, heavily breathing.

"I...I lost him." Blueberry panted. "I tried to catch him." Blueberry opened the door to the backseat and I lay Geno down inside. I patted Blueberry's shoulder.

"It's okay. There's always next time." I comforted. Blueberry denied to calm down and his breathing slowed down to a normal rate.

"Get in the car already. We gotta bring him down to the station." Sans said, annoyed.

"I'll sit in the back. Blueberry, you drive." I ordered.

"Got it, chief." Blueberry said and went over to the driver's seat. I went into the backseat and picked up Geno's skull a little. I placed Geno's skull on my lap. I stared at his face and noticed that he looked a lot more peaceful now than when he was awake.

"Chief, are you ready to go?" Blueberry asked.

"Yep. And hurry. I want to be at the station before he wakes up." I commanded.

"On it." Blueberry hit the gas pedal and we were off. I couldn't help but glance at Geno's slash on his chest. How much does that hurt? Even though he was a criminal and I was a cop, I felt bad for Geno.

"Yo, Death. You done staring at Geno?" Sans asked. I jolted. Sans chuckled. "You've been staring at him for a while."

"I wasn't staring!" I objected. "Are we almost at the station yet?"

"A few more minutes." Blueberry answered. I nodded.

"Don't worry. You have more time to stare at your boyfriend." Sans said.

"He is not my boyfriend! I don't like him!" I yelled.

"Stop fighting! Save it for break!" Blueberry yelled back, which shut us both up. Blueberry never raised his voice unless he was really pissed. We drive in silence until we pulled up at the station. "We're here. I'll go tell my brother we're here." Blueberry got out of the car and walked into the station.

"Sans, get out of the car and notify Ink that Geno's out cold." I said.

"Alright, loverboy." Sans said before getting out of the car and following my order. I opened the door and slowly got Geno out. I arrived him into the station. Everyone stared at me. I felt heat rise to my cheekbones.

"H-He's still p-passed o-out?" Alphys stuttered.

"Yeah. Keep him in custody until he wakes up. But when he does wake up, make sure he doesn't panic." I said.

~Tem Skip 1 Fucking Hour~

Geno's POV:

I opened my eyes and blinked a few times to adjust my pupils to the light. I stared at a gray ceiling. Where am I? My skull was pounding as I remembered what happened. I sat up and rubbed the back of my skull. Suddenly, a door opened and Alphys stumbled into view.

"O-Oh. H-Hello, G-Geno. A-Are you okay?" Alphys stuttered.

"Yeah. Where-" I stopped. Alphys only worked at the police station...

"Y-You're in t-the p-police station." Alyphys proved my thoughts. She pulled out her phone and called someone. "H-He's awake." She said, leaving the room. I tried to listen to Alphys, but her whispers and stutters didn't make it easy. I gave up trying to listen and I lay back down on whatever I was sitting on. I closed my eyesockets and went down memory lane.

Criminal! Geno x Cop! Reaper: Criminal LoveWhere stories live. Discover now