Chapter 3: Meeting the Convicts

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Hey guys, it's Demon here and welcome back to my book. I want to take this time to thank you for all the support.

Geno's POV:

Demon was dragging me to a cell further down the hall. She stopped at a cell with a skeleton with a cracked skull and red eyes. He stared right at me. M

"Who are you?" The skeleton growled.

"I-I'm Geno." I introduced myself.

"Geno, this is Horror. He's in here for murder. He decapitated people to make his famous head dogs. Obviously, he doesn't have his axe." Demon pulled out a bloodstained axe and tossed it to Horror. "Scratch that. Now he does."

"Finally." Horror caught his axe. "Hey Geno?"

"Y-Yeah?" I stammered.

"Want a head dog?" Horror grinned.

"Uh..." I was speechless. I started to sweat.

"And that's our cue to leave." Demon dragged me away from Horror's cell.

"Is it safe to let him keep his axe?" I AXE-d.

"Sure it is. Now here's Fell. He's in here for robbery, breaking and entering, DUI, all that good shit." Demon stopped at a cell with a skeleton with a red jumpsuit and one glowing red eye.

"Oh, its you. Whaddya want?" Fell grumbled.

"Fell, this is Geno. He's much more badass than you. See that glitch over his eye? Underneath is a battle scar of sorts, just like the slash aCROSS his chest." Demon said. Fell's eye-sockets widened.

"Alright then." Fell nodded.

"I'm not really that bada-" I started to say.

"Nonsense. You're a genocide survivor. That's pretty fucking cool. Moving on." Demon whisked me away from Fell.

"Cya later, Geno!" Fell called out.

"Ready to see a man whore?" Demon asked.

"Do I have a choice?" I murmured.

"Nope!" Demon chuckled and dragged me to a cell with a skeleton wearing purple in it.

"Heya~." He greeted. I already didn't like this guy.

"Now this is Lust. He's in here for raping people." Demon explained.

"That's what I do~." Lust said.

"Shut the fuck up. We'll be gone in a bit." Demon glared daggers at Lust.

"Leaving so soon~?" Lust asked. "That's a shame~." Demon dragged me away and this time, I willingly followed.

~After Meeting Others Cuz I'm Lazy AF~

"And that's really it. I'll tell ya some more good shit about then when we get back." Demon said. I heard footsteps that's weren't ours getting closer.

"D-Demon?" I nudged her. Demon already seemed to know.

"Shush." Demon slowly reached for a crowbar. As the footsteps got closer, Demon's grip on the crowbar became tighter. The mystery person got closer and closer. They took another step and BAM! Demon smashed the crowbar into the person's skull. They fell to the ground, unconscious. I flipped the person over. It was Death.

"He smashed a crowbar in the back of your skull, so I guess you're even now." Demon shrugged and tossed the crowbar to the side. 

"Well now what? We can't just leave him here." I started to think. Demon grabbed one of Death's arms.

"We're gonna drag him back to our cell. Help me out. He's literal dead weight." Demon kicked Death's other arm. I picked it up and we dragged him back to our cell.

~A Few Hours Later~

Death's POV:

I felt consciousness flooding back into me as I opened my eye-sockets. Geno was hovering over me.

"He's awake." Geno said over his shoulder.

"Get him sitting up. I'll be ready in a second." Someone said behind Geno. He helped me to my feet and I sat down. Wait. Is this a cell?

"Just sit here. And don't even think about trying to escape." Geno warned.

"Or what?" I decided to mess with him.

"Or I'll hunt you down and drag your sorry ass back here." The unknown person chimed in.

"Demon! You could at least try and be nice!" Geno scolded. I should've guessed it was Demon.

"You're not my mom. You can't tell me how to act." Demon mumbled.

"So, uh, why am I here?" I asked.

"Just some questions. And favors." Demon answered briskly.

"But you were talking about-" Geno tried to say, but he was cut off.

"Hush! We'll get to that later." Demon snapped. Geno held his hands in mock defense.

"Alright, alright." Geno mumbled.

"Can I leave now?" I fake whined.

"Nope. You aren't going anywhere." Demon growled. "Geno." Geno sighed.

"Do I have to?" Geno looked away from me. Demon simply nodded. Geno sighed again and took a seat right in my lap, but not without turning bright blue. His spine was leaning against my rib cage.

"G-Geno?" I managed to say. He shot me a look, as if to apologize. Demon smirked and took a picture of us.

"This is definitely wallpaper material." Demon got back to work on whatever she was doibg.

"H-How long so I have to sit here for?" Geno squealed.

"Until I tell you to get up. Just relax. You might be in that position for a while." Demon answered, clearing enjoying our discomfort.

"I regret helping you before." I muttered.

"Shut up. At least I'm not the one being sat on." Demon snapped.

"Touché." I mumbled. Demon payed no mind to any objections Geno or I made.

"Ok, so I have to run for a sec. Can I trust you to stay here? In that position?" Demon asked.

"Not really. The second you leave, I'll be up." Geno replied.

"And that's why I made this." Demon held up a syringe.

"O-On second though, this is pretty comfortable." Geno stammered. Demon nodded in approval.

"Damn right." Demon put the syringe down. "I'll be be soon."

"Where are ya going?" I asked.

"Just going out to free a convict that I need some help from. You know him as Error." Demon said briskly and walked right out, leaving me and Geno alone. This was definitely beyond awkward. This was a situation I never dreamed of being in. Like, ever in my life. This'll be fun.

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