Me And Him

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yes Kat and Nick are together and they are 13 and no they haven't gone in the woods yet but they might get taken there later. But anyways Kat and Nick are always together and only apart at night and they have phones so they can text each other instead of sneaking out like they used to. They grew stronger and stronger as they spent their time together. And they also go to the same school. When they're in the backyard near the woods they can since someone is watching them and a couple minutes later they go inside.

On a wednesday they met up at the school gate and luckly they are in the same classes and sit next to eachother so they can be partners when they have to do projects or when the teacher asks them to pair up with someone. And when they are at lunch they sit next to the window and they can sometimes feel someone or something watching them from outside but they just ignore it because they have eachother and they know they are protected.

They always walk to Kat's house because Nicks mom picks him up and she is worried he will be taken agian. So they get to Kat's house and they snuggle up on the couch watching cupcake wars. When they finished Nick's mom was here and he had to go. His mom thanked Kat and her mom for watching him. When they left Kat and her mom went back to watching tv for the rest of the night.

At about 2:00am kat woke up and asked Nick if he was awake. Nick said yes whats wrong. Kat said i had a nightmare or whatever. He said tell me about it and then we can go back to bed. Kat said ok and she told him what happened and he told her what it ment since he was an expert at reading dreams and then Nick went back to bed. Kat stayed up thinking about what Nick said and how the haggle might be after us sometime in the future. She hated it so much that she fell asleep thinking about it.

The next morning Kat ate bteakfast and her mom took her to school. Kat hated the music that her mom played in the morning and she wished that she could turn on the music she like's. Her mom always sings and frankly she's not the best at it either. Kat is a fantastic singer and likes to sing with her older sister. She thinks they sing good together because dthey have similar voices but one is a little bit higher and different than the other. Her older sister is home schooled so she doesn't leave the house often. So once Kat got to school her mom waved her off and she heads towards the gate where Nick is standing there waiting for her to arrive.

Once they greet eachother they head to the class. Once they get there the teacher is sitting at her desk and looking like she wants to start class. Once they sit down and the others come in she starts her lesson plan for the day. At lunch Kat got a text saying i'm coming after you and Nick, you and him better be ready. She responds who are you and what do you mean coming after me and Nick? You know what I mean Kat i used to love you and you fall for that boy who tries to kill me and you follow his plan?. At that moment Kat knew it was the Haggle and she showed Nick the text's that he sent her.

Nick looked worried about it and started to look for words to say but he failed and just stayed silent until he pulled out his phone and told his mom. Kat told hers to just to be safe and from then on they where on high alert.


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