Super Stealthy

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Currently being super stealthy ninja writer, but it's okay no one will notice... (don't quote me on that one.)

super stealthy story:

once there was a ninja, he was super evil and stuff. 

His greatest enemy was Lord Fartfeathers of the Transylvanian race, he had a huge army. His army was made up of scary creatures such as fairies and unicorns,  the sort of things to give you blood-curdling nightmares. There was also an Aussie bogan as his exotic mascot. Truly scary stuff.

One day the ninja came across Lord Fartfeathers while he was using the drop dunny. The very evil ninja used his magic sword of evilness to cut the top off the dunny before running away as he cackled evilly, or hysterically its hard to tell.  Unfortunately a few days later Lord Fartfeathers passed on, it is said that he died from a fatal dose of embarrassment.

Ta-Da the totally super stealthy evil ninja story.

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