First Day Back (Part 1)

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Summer vacation is over unfortunately. Me and Nanashima walked down the bright hallways into our homeroom. I walked next to him while he drank milk from the store. We walked into the room and everyone stared. "[Y/n]!" Kae screamed as she ran towards me with her arms widened out for a hug.
"Hi!" Igarashi and Nana started talking by their desks.
"So, have you decided?" I asked her.
After we left the beach Igarashi asked out Kae. Apparently, the guys planned this because Nana asked me at the same time. Of course me and Nana were a 'thing' but it was never official until now I guess. Kae never did give Igarashi an answer...
"Yes. I did." She looked confident. Like the anime gods have approved of her.
"Nana! Igarashi! Come here!"
The classroom was so loud I could practically scream and nobody would notice. The guys walked over right when I called.
"Yeah, babe?" Said Nana smirking.  He looked so proud of himself and accomplished in life. I loved it when he did this too. He would call me this on purpose to make me feel this way. I grabbed his ear and pulled him out of the class and into a closet next door.
"Make out in here?" Nana asked laughing.
I grabbed his shirt, "No idiot, Kae is about to say yes to Igarashi."
"Ohhhhh. Then why are we in here?"
"Because your an idiot that messes up stuff."
He pushed me against the wall and kissed me. "Didn't mess that up, huh?" I rolled my eyes. "Can you go back without acting like a complete fool?"
I grabbed his hand and pulled him out of the closet.
"Come on before we're late, stupid."
I sat in the back of the classroom next to Kae. "So, how are you going to break it to Mutsumi and Shinomiya?"
Kae started drooling and her eyes lit up. "Are you kidding?! They need to date each other!!!"
I looked over at Nana, then Iagrashi, then Kae again.
"Let's set them up then." I said smiling. Kae jumped up out of her chair.
"Teacher! Can we be excused for the history club?!" The professor nodded and Kae blasted out the door. I stood up, threw my jacket over my shoulder, and walked out the room. Before I turned the corner I saw Nana and Igarashi's expressions. Both with their moths wide open, surprised we got out so easily. I ran to try to catch up with Kae, but by the time I got to the club room she  was already talking to Mutsumi. "We're going to my house tonight to study. Wanna come?" "
"That would be wonderful. I need help with math." Said Mutsumi smiling.
Did he know Igarashi was dating Kae now?
Me and Kae stayed with him in the empty classroom and talked about temples. It wasn't that boring though.

The lunch bell rang as I raced into the cafeteria. I always had to get there first for all the good stuff. I grabbed rolls, vegetables and three juice boxes then followed Kae up the steps to the roof.
Every once in a while, if the weather was nice, we would eat up there. I laid out a blanket and threw all my food down on it.
A minute later Igarashi and Nana walked in through the door.
"Your late!" I shouted with a mouthful.
"Where's Mutsumi and Shinomiya?" Kae asked after swallowing.
"They said they had work to finish in the club." Nana said sitting down next to me,
"So it's like a double date for now." Igarashi slipped his hand onto Kae's.
Kae smiled and kissed him on the cheek. "What?!" Nana's gaw dropped. "When did this start happening?!" He asked in shock.
Kae laughed and Igarashi's face blew up red. "[Y/n] what about me?!" He stuck out his bottom lip and put his hand on top of mine.
I laughed, "I think you've had enough."
"Anyways," Kae interrupted, "We are going to study at my house tonight."
Nana rolled his eyes. "I rather do something fun."
"Well it can be fun," I said punching his arm, "I mean I can just go without you an-"
"No! I would love to study with you!"
Me, Kae and Igarashi all started laughing as Nanas face turkned pink.

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