Hunger Games: Death-Match (For Ghostobservercrack)

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  • Dedicated to Ghostobservercrack

I was teleported into the cornucopia, seeing all the other pedestals occupied by other people. I swear some of them were familiar but they were so far away, it was hard to tell. The countdown was reaching 5...4...3...2...1, GO!!! I jumped off, sprinting towards the chests in the middle, most of the others doing so as well. Seeing as how I was the fastest out of them, I reached the middle first. I quickly ripped a chest open and grabbed all I could, managing to get a wood sword and some food. I sliced the nearest person on my way into the woods, swiftly gathering their gear as I ran.

They had a diamond and chain boots, pretty good for the beginning. I equipped the boots, still running through the forest. Using my eye, I spotted a few chests in and under the branches. I reached the first and opened it to find a leather chestplate, a stick, and a baked potato. I devoured the potato from running so much and rushed to open the other two chests.

The two had more sticks, a bow, a single arrow, and another diamond. 'What!? Awesome find if I do say so myself!' I continued running through the slowly thinning trees and saw a wooden hut. Hiding behind a tree and checking around, I snuck into the hut. Just a bed, a crafting table, and a chest with a carrot in it. 'How useful.' I scoffed in my head, but pocketed it anyway.

I snuck back outside, sneakily making my way around through the very few trees. Using all my training and abilities, I managed to get past a few better armored people in the area. If I used my eye I could possible find a spot I could attack to execute a one hit kill but with all of them it was near impossible. The last time I said something was near impossible I almost died, no thanks.


After wandering around for hours I had managed to gather almost full chain, only missing the helmet which was replaced with an iron one. I had plenty food and a diamond sword from the loot I collected at the beginning, but only that one arrow for my bow. There were only 5 people left, after one more goes down we'll have death-match.

As soon as I thought that a boom rang out and the countdown for death-match started. I readied myself, eating a steak and taking a defensive stance. 'Here we go.'

The strange rushing feeling of teleporting overtook my body and suddenly I was back at the cornucopia. Three very familiar faces greeted me there. All of our faces held shock as we stared at each other. Around the area were my old best friends, before the war and my near death experience. Jerome, Mitch, and Sky.

Mitch seemed a little more intimidating, as well as Jerome. Sky had longer hair and a more serious face. I bet those small changes were nothing compared to what mine looked like. We sheathed our weapons and slowly approached each other. Sky stepped towards me farther than the other two and held a hand out, close to my face. "Bodil?"

My old self probably would want nothing more than to hug him but the new me was far different.

I smirked and grabbed his hand harshly, twisting it a little. "Hello, Sky." I said evilly before throwing him at Mitch and Jerome. "GOOD TO SEE YOU!" I yelled, smirk ever present on my face. All three looked a little baffled, whether it was about the way I was acting or that I had just thrown a grown man with ease. "What the hell Bodil!" Mitch yelled.

"What? This is the Hunger Games, right?" I said playfully. "There's no time for reuniting, we have spectators to entertain." Sky just held his wrist in pain while Mitch's face changed from angered to competitive. "You're right, this is Hunger Games, and I'm going to win!" He charged at me swiftly, diamond sword raised high.

I easily dodged him, anticipating his moves with my eye. We clashed swords and I skillfully attacked him, getting a few cuts here and there. His overwhelming desire has made him worse at fighting, making his attacks slower and less strategerized. After messing with him for a little while, I got bored. "Giving up yet!" He yelled cockily, making me smirk again and chuckle.

"As if." I replied before quick as lightning, stabbing him in the stomach. He coughed up some blood before bursting into items, joining the spectators. 'Good thing this was a safe Hunger Games and not the real.' I thought. I may be acting, well, like a crazy jerk but I still cared for my friends.

Jerome and Sky were watching from afar and Jerome seemed enraged I had beat Mitch. He growled loudly, leaving Sky on the ground before recklessly attacking me. I kept leaping and dodging backwards until I took a sharp left, him in turn, crashing into a rock. He leaped back, rubbing his face angrily. I laughed maniacally, before attacking back. Jerome starting doing basically what I was doing only less skillfully, almost tripping a few times. Having enough of this little back and forth, I ran faster, stabbing him in the chest. I slowly slid my sword out, making a squelching noise before he burst into items as well.

Sky, during our battle, had gotten prepared and immediately attacked me. I guess he made some sort of strategy while waiting and managed to land a few good hits on me. I had a few cuts here and there and my metal plating was scratched. I was getting worried, everytime I tried to attack I did get him but it was minor and he immediately counter attacked. After he cut my side pretty deeply, I turned around and ran, swiftly jumping to the top of a tree. He ran after but a he jumped up, sword midair, aimed right at me, I pulled my bow out and used my single arrow. It embedded itself into his chest as I shot him midair, only a foot away from me. He exploded into items and fireworks went off.

My eyes were wide and I was breathing heavily. I dropped my bow and sat down, rubbing my face. He was so close to getting me. Good thing this was only a game, only a game.

I was teleported out and into a room where only a few people were still at before the teleported out. Now the only ones in here were me, Sky, Mitch, and Jerome. We all just stood there awkwardly until I stepped forward and sighed. "Sorry 'bout that guys. Kinda went crazy there." I chuckled. "Blame this thing." I said, pointing to my robotic parts. They all cracked a small smile before we hugged.

"I missed you guys." I whispered and the others agreed. As we sat there hugging a smirk grew on my face. 'And to think they would trust me after that whole fiasco.' I thought as I slid a knife into my hand from my sleeve.


I know that was a bad and weird ending but Bodil's supposed to be more Bodil666 now. also, IM SORRY TO GHOSTOBSERVERCRACK FOR MAKING SUCH A CRAPPY THING!! ITS PROBABLY NOT WHAT YOU WERE EXPECTING AND IM SORRY IT WAS SO BAD!!!

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